Being thankful free children's book pdf for learning to read and write cover

Thanksgiving may have come and gone this year, but there is never a time we shouldn’t reflect on what we are thankful for – especially coming up to Christmas when the greed overtakes the gratitude at times. This fun book has a page with a word then the next page where your child can fill …

Where is my cat? Free children's book cover

A young boy has lost his cat, will he find her? A fun book for young children inclusive of explorative activities on each page. Great for a fun read and the simple repetitive text makes it a suitable early reader or for ESL text. Download or read online the full book by selecting one of …

seal and sharky friendship cover

Sharky just can’t make friends, until an unlikely adversary judges his heart, not his looks — a short cute tale with a moral. Sample page from The Seal and The Sharky Volume 1 Friendship   Written by Danielle Bruckert Illustrated by Zehnya Bruckert Also available in an editable file here:  

Isobel and Phaedro - fantasy children's story free download

Isobel finds herself in a magical land with mountains of gum drop ice cream, talking animals, singing flowers, and exciting colours. Through the land, she is accompanied by a giant butterfly. Sample Page from Isobel and Phaedro the Butterfly Written by Kiwi Opa Illustrated by Zehnya Bruckert This book is also available in an Editable …

The Magic Pitcher - Children's Tales from the Sanskrit

A beautiful rendition of the classic Sanskrit tale (stories with morales), The Magic Pitcher, complete with illustrations and comprehension / inferential questions. Sample Text from The Magic Pitcher Long, long ago there lived far away in India a woodcutter called Subha Datta and his family, who were all very happy together. The father went every …


From the push-me-pull you, the people of Popsipetel, to Polynesia the talking parrot, and much much more, the classic adventures of Dr Dolittle are an ageless classic. The Voyages of Dr Dolittle are provided herewith a convenient pdf, epub, and odt version for maximum readability. Written by Hugh Lofting The Voyages of Dr Dolittle Sample …

The Three Little Pigs downloadable children's story

The classic tale of the three little pigs and the big bad wolf, including comprehension questions. Sourced from Core Knowledge Foundation. Have fun with the repetitive phrases, such as huffing and puffing, and chinny, chin, chin. Sample Page from The Three Little Pigs Also available in an editable version for customisation: (created on OpenOffice …


360 words to practice for early elementary. Try a word per day!    


A beautiful Irish translation of the Kiwi Opa adaption of The Little Tin Soldier.  Translation by Gabriel Rosenstock.  

Children's story about a trip to the communal tap and recycling

Oluhle is excited to go to the tap and fetch water, she will see her friends there, but what happens when she can’t find her bucket? Illustrated by Phumle April Written by Sindeka Mandoyi Designed by Nadene Kriel Sample Page from A Trip to the Tap   Download the full book by selecting one of …

Three Billy Goats Gruff

This classic tale is told with some beautiful imagery combined with some comprehension questions. Creator: Core Knowledge Foundation See more from CKF on FKB here: This book is also available in an editable version (created using Open Office): Sample Page from Three Billy Goats Gruff:    

zehnya's butterfly

Zehnya’s Butterfly – A fun holiday picture book about a little girl’s trip to a butterfly house. Compiled by: Peter Whittaker         Text and Images from Zehnya’s Butterfly end of sample – Zehnya’s Butterfly   See more of these books below    


Always Be Good is a short simple book for young children, and beginner ESL readers, promoting important behaviours young children need to learn. Book 5 in the FKB Always Be Nice series featuring cute animals and alliteration.

The power of soap hindi

Throughout the pages of our book, children will join Leo and his mom as they discuss the importance of proper hand washing. Together, they’ll learn the proper steps and how it can protect them from getting sick. Review: “Easy to read and understand! Something I would read to my son!” – Parent This book is …


Throughout the pages of our book, children will join Leo and his mom as they discuss the importance of proper hand washing. Together, they’ll learn the proper steps and how it can protect them from getting sick. Review: “Easy to read and understand! Something I would read to my son!” – Parent This book is …

The Power of Soap Hygiene lesson Bengali Edition

Throughout the pages of our book, children will join Leo and his mom as they discuss the importance of proper hand washing. Together, they’ll learn the proper steps and how it can protect them from getting sick. Review: “Easy to read and understand! Something I would read to my son!” – Parent This book is …

50 children's illustrated bible stories

UnfoldingWord and Open Bible Stories brings us this epic volume of 50 illustrated bible stories from old and new testaments. Spanish edition – see the English version here: Also available as an odt, doc, and epub, at  


All about how important it is to brush your teeth, kids story in Hindi

go green save the planet

Save the Planet is a short simple book for young children, and beginner ESL readers, promoting values of conservation and ecologically-friendly behaviour. This book teaches children ten important lessons about conservation and actions that can help preserve and conserve our natural environment and the resources, for those of us, people and animals, who inhabit it. …


Psychedelic seal is not like all the others – he doesn’t blend in like the other seals, not only is he in danger to the world at large, he gets teased by the other seal pups. Learn about how psychedelic seal learns to triumph in spite of his differences and even because of them in …
