FKB You Tube Channel

FKB has launched a YouTube channel with all of our popular books in read along videos!


Technology has slowly invaded our daily life, leaving no space for pen-and-paper communication. Which is not bad. In fact, it is easier and quicker to write my essay online on a keyboard than on a piece of paper. Also, technology saves student’s time. Instead of countless numbers spent in a traditional library, you can prepare …

Reviews (2)

Distance learning made it harder for kids to stay engaged and up-to-date in STEM classes. Teachers need to look for new ways to motivate students to solve practice problems and retain theoretical concepts. Parents, too, tend to get stressed seeing their child struggling to grasp ideas in the classroom. To engage elementary and middle school …


Technology plays a critical in our children’s lives. As a parent, it’s up to you to choose the role that technology will play in your child’s life. Most parents allow the use of technology at home but, with limits. With technology, there is nothing your child cannot learn today from the comfort of their home. …

Reviews (9)

Summer camps, which are a common feature of summer holidays, are also closed for the season. As summer approaches, many parents are wondering how they will keep their kids busy while in quarantine. As the world is in the midst of the second Corona wave, most countries have chosen to keep summer recreation activities closed. …

FKB OER Collection

This is simply as stated our ultimate resource list of direct links to the websites of our pre-primary, primary, and secondary open educational resources providers, if we have missed anyone please contact me or leave a comment I will review and add them! Resources are listed in order of their volume of content from our …

Writing on the Run

Writing on the Run Grades 7-9 for British Columbia is licensed under Creative Commons Non-Commercial (CC-BY-NC). This set of four school textbooks covers the following subjects Constructing Sentences, Parts of Speech, Punctuation, Writing Style and Process. Open School BC provides educational resources, tools and supports that are free and licensed under creative commons. These resources …

Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10

This ebook, Linear Measure, is made up of several lessons in geometry from the Grade 10 syllabus, including estimating and measuring length and distance, measuring diameters, locating midpoints, and linear problems. The maths textbook includes sections on Lessons, Essential Questions, Focus, Get Started, Activities, Explore, Bringing Ideas Together and Lesson Summary. This ebook is brought to us in creative commons (CC-BY-NC) …

Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10 Making Purchases

This ebook Making Purchases is maths related to buying and selling, made up of several lessons as detailed below. The content includes Lessons, Essential Questions, Focus, Get Started, Activities, Explore, Bringing Ideas Together, and Lesson Summary. Open School BC Provides support, educational resources, and tools that are designed for K-12 Students, adult learners, parents, and teachers. These school textbooks are from Open …

Reviews (1)