Hinduism For Kids Vol 6

The book details a dialogue between a Grandmother and her grandchildren. In the introduction she explains a little about different religions, then proceeds to explain to her Granddaughters aspects of Hinduism. In this, volume 6, she describes about meditation and prayer. Sample Text from Brahma Vishnu Mahesha – There in Only God Anji – Nani, …

The JC Team Vol 2

Another great biblical anthology from Sister Mary Joe. Stories included are Where the Wind Blows; Jesus’ Little Companions; Ask, Seek, Knock; Talents; Mary Remembers; The Fragrance; The Blind Man; Beside Bethsaida; The Crazy Pigs. Author:Sister Mary Joe Sample Text from The JC Team Volume 2 Chapter 1 WHERE THE WIND BLOWS One night, a Pharisee …
