
Tag «Homeland»

Homeland – more award winning science fiction and hacktivists from Cory Doctorow

Homeland Cory Doctoroy YA novel about a hacktivist

Homeland Cory Doctoroy YA novel about a hacktivist – In this, the sequel to Cory’s extremely popular Little Brother, the protagonist, a hacktivist, Marcus Yallow is again caught in a tricky situation. This time, he has information that will expose the corruption inside the government’s security contractors, but doing so can cost him his job. The …


Homeland – Read Online Version

, Cory Doctorow [prelude]   A commercial interlude   As you read through this free ebook, you’ll notice that it is dotted, here and there, with appreciations of great bookstores — stores that I love, stores that have shown me love. As a former bookseller and a book hoarder for life, bookstores are my natural …
