This post contains all our Grade 1 and Kindergarten (Pre-K, K) textbooks, workbooks, and worksheets. Enjoy!
Grade 1 English Language and Arts Workbooks
All our kindergarten and grade 1 English Language and Arts (ELA, EFL, ESL, grammar, art, music) workbooks and open education resources.
Grade 1 to 2 ELA Activity Books and Teachers Guides – OSBC
This is a Grade 1 ELA Activity book for learning grammar. The activities include ordering words in a sentence, forming questions, suffixes “ing” and “ed”, plurals, contractions, compound words, a and an, ownership, and alphabet order. There are 6 books in this series for grade 1 to 2, three workbooks and three teacher guides.
OSBC Grade 1 English Worksheets
OSBC Grade 1 English Teacher Guide
OSBC Grade 1-2 English Worksheets
OSBC Grade 1-2 English Teacher Guide
OSBC Grade 2 English Worksheets
OSBC Grade 2 English Teacher Guide
Free Kids Books Grade 1 Spelling and Writing Workbooks
These common sounds and spelling workbooks are suitable for grade 1 and students learning to read and write, and maybe helpful for beginner ESL children, designed for ages 5-7.
FKB Spelling and Writing Workbook 1 – G1
FKB Spelling and Writing Workbook 1 – G1, Editable File
A spelling and writing workbook children learning to read, covering some aspects of Grade 1 competency, approximately 4 to 6 year old level. This book includes simple three letter word reading and spelling, first 100 high frequency words, and more.
FKB Spelling and Writing Workbook 2 – G1
FKB Spelling and Writing Workbook 2 – G1, Editable File
The book contains 5 sight word copy and write lists for 20 words each from the first 100 high frequency word lists. There after there are sight words lists, a game, and a competency checklist based on the same first 100 sight words, followed by some digraph sounds lists from the British Grade 1 syllabus. the book is specifically designed for building confidence in sight words and for learning to read and spell.
FKB Spelling and Writing Workbook 3 – G1
FKB Spelling and Writing Workbook 3 – G1, Editable File
This book comprises primarily of lists of short vowel words simple CVC and with more complex sounds, long vowel words, common tricky words, and more. The words are presented in tables for learning to spell and have a vowel sorted table and a mixed up table to reinforce the sounds and letter recognition.
Engage NY – Grade 1 English Resources US CCSS 
Grade 1 English Language resources, lesson plans, reading and writing exercises and questions, released as OER in CC-BY-NC. The resources at Engage NY, mostly from Core Knowlege Foundation have an amazing selection with texts, anthology, images, big books, reader texts, workbooks, teacher guides and more. There are over 108 resources in the ELA sector for first grade, with 11 teaching and 7 skills units, each one having a big book and or a reader.
Engage NY / Core Knowledge foundation have a similar amount of amazing resources for Kindergarten and pre-school (Pre-K and K) levels.
Core Knowledge Foundation Resources
Most of the Engage New York resources come from the amazing creative commons core knowledge foundation resources, herewith links to the individual resources for Pre K, K, and Grade 1 reposted directly here at FKB.
CKF Nursery Rhymes and Songs Book
Fables Grade 1 Reader
Fables Grade 1 ReaderFables Grade 1 Workbook
Classic Stories – Big Book for Kindergarten
Animals – Activity book for preschool
Grade 1 Maths Workbooks
All our kindergarten and grade 1 maths workbooks, textbooks, and other open education resources.
27 Maths Stories form the Maths Learning Centre
This collection of maths stories for young children contains 9 sets of books, 27 books all together from the maths learning centre. Each set of maths story books contain a variety of maths themed picture books, from counting, to shapes, to snowflakes.
Kindergarten Maths Activity Book – OSBC
KinderMath – British Columbia Open Educational Resources is licensed under Creative Commons. This school workbook is perfect for young children who want to learn math, aimed at kindergarten can also suit remedial training for students in Grade 1.
Khan Academy Grade 1 Online Maths
This is a comprehensive selection of online lessons (videos, articles, and quizzes) for Grade 1 Mathematics. Khan Academy provides these 1st Grade OER resources for improving education. If students login there is progress tracking available, perfect for home school or extra tutoring:
Khan Academy Grade 1 Maths Lessons and Quizzes Online
CK-12 Grade 1 Online Textbooks Maths
This is a comprehensive selection of online lessons (explanations, images, worked examples, and interactive quizzes) for Grade 1 Maths. Ck-12 provides these 1st Grade OER maths resources for improving education. The flexbooks provide an amazing customizable and interactive resource that can also be used offline.
CK-12 Grade 1 Maths Textbook and Practice Questions Online
Grade 1 Science Topics
All kindergarten and grade 1 science workbooks and textbooks.
CK-12 Grade 1 Online Textbooks Science
This is a comprehensive selection of online lessons (explanations, images, worked examples, and interactive quizzes) for Grade 1 Science. Ck-12 provides these 1st Grade OER science resources for improving education. The flexbooks provide an amazing customizable and interactive resource that can also be used offline.
CK-12 Kindergarten Science Textbook and Practice Online
CK-12 Grade 1 Science Textbook and Practice Online
Grade 1 Other Subjects
All kindergarten and grade 1 textbooks and workbooks for social studies, geography, history, and other subjects.
Grade 1 Community Studies – Michigan Open Textbooks
These Kindergarten and Grade 1 Social Studies textbooks were created by Michigan Open Textbooks Project for contribution to open education resources and by sponsorship from the Michigan State Education Department. These textbooks are suitable for kindergarten and grade 1 social sciences studies in Michigan.
Kindergarten Myself and Others
Pdf textbook –
iBooks (may not be available in all countries) –
Grade 1 Families and Schools
Pdf textbook
iBooks (may not be available in all countries) –
Categories for Pre K, K, and Grade 1
Free Kids Books Alphabet Collection
Free Kids Books Counting Books Collection
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