
6 Writing Habits of Famous Writers Every Student Should Pick Up

Regardless if you’re a student, an amateur writer, or an advanced one, you should consider inspiring yourself with the habits of the successful. We’ve compiled a list of tips from renowned authors on how to become a better writer. They’re quite simple, it’ll be applying them consistently that will be your challenge.

On another note, if you’re a student and haven’t gotten to the point of writing something yet, why not consider using some study help online? Studyfy offers various services for students all over the internet. Affordable and easy to set up, it’s worth checking out.

1. Read Regularly (advice by: Stephen King)

Stephen King, the author of iconic classics like “IT” and “The Shining”, advises aspiring writers and writers to make reading a consistent habit. To be a GOOD writer – read. A LOT.

There’s no way around this. Makes sense, right? Even reading for as little as 15 minutes a day can benefit you – not solely from acquiring knowledge, but from being exposed to different writing styles.

By taking a look at how other people write, you can figure out your own style as you progress on your journey in writing. Practice makes perfect after all. The more familiar you are with different genres and styles of the craft, the better you will be at producing your own work.

Additionally, reading exercises the mind’s ability to focus. The more you read, the better you’ll be at concentrating.

2. Write Regularly (advice by: Stephen King)

Another writing habit Stephen King swears by is, well to write A LOT. Just like reading, there’s no way around this one. Of course, if you want to become better at writing, you’ll have to write. 

You don’t need to be perfect, and there is no “right” time or moment. You just have to do it. Pick up a pen, grab a notebook, and write. Open up your laptop or desktop, and write. The more you write, the more effortless it will be for you. The more you write, the more it will feel like second nature.

You’ll be surprised that at one point in time, words start to fly across the screen. You’ll type faster, your grammar will improve, and your style will distinguish itself. Eventually, you’ll shorten the time you’d need to write something, compared to when you just started. It’s honestly as straightforward as that.

3. Maintain the Beginner’s Mind (advice by: Robert Greene)

Author of the widely successful “48 Laws of Power”, Robert Greene is one of the most influential and popular authors in today’s times. One of his writing habits is to treat every new writing challenge as something novel. He advises writers of all kinds not to repeat patterns they have used in the past, just because it was successful. 

Greene urges writers to keep an open mind and to keep relearning. He says that with this habit, our minds will be free from biases and preconceptions, thus our creativity will flow much easier into our craft. 

Essentially, he says that to create anything of value, success does not take priority, creativity and the desire to make something new is what should be prioritized. 

4. Do Your Research (advice by: Robert Greene)

Greene states that he reads around 400 books for research and to help create one single piece of work. That’s a lot of books. However, he states that he’s developed a system where he extracts the most relevant information in the book and uses flashcards to categorize them. 

The point of the matter is, if you haven’t experienced what you wrote, then you’ll have to put effort into researching it. This adds value and credibility to your writing, and it’s a good habit to have in general. You develop and build integrity in your character.

Now we’re not saying that you have to read 400 books for research, but try your best to fill in any gaps in your knowledge you may have on a topic. The goal is to do something as best as you can, not perfectly. 

Additionally, you will need to integrate that knowledge to genuinely comprehend it. We’re not just talking about memorization, and then forgetting everything after. If you really want to develop a good writing habit, and if you genuinely want to write better, practice extracting information effectively, and try to REALLY understand the information you’re taking in.

5. Protect Your Writing Time (advice by: J.K. Rowling)

When you decide on a time to do your craft, protect it at all costs. This is what J.K. Rowling has to offer as advice. Make it a habit to prioritize writing when you start it. Don’t let any distractions or any other task disrupt this time – do them later. If you build the habit of eliminating any extra fluff during writing, you’ll inevitably become a seriously efficient and fast writer.

Communicate your need to prioritize your writing to your loved ones and friends. The majority of people will understand and respect your priorities and goals, and if you complete a writing task quicker, you’ll have more time for other important things in your life. 

It really all comes down to personal will and a genuine desire to start and finish something. Writing may just be an academic obligation for you, or it might be a passion/hobby, but by following and applying these tips and eventually forming them into habits – you’ll really see some improvement. 

6. Write Even When You Don’t Feel Inspired (advice by: J.K. Rowling)

Some days, no matter how hard you try, the ideas just won’t seem to come out and produce themselves on paper (or screen). Rowling advises everyone to write even on days where they don’t feel like it. Again, nothing needs to be perfect, it just needs to be done. 

You can always edit the writing you did on a bad day, but you can’t take back lost time. Write even though your mind and heart aren’t cooperating – even if it’s just a little.

Final Words

As you can see – all of these points are fairly simple. There really isn’t any trick or shortcut to becoming a great writer overnight. Just like any other craft, writing requires dedication, hard work and consistency. By growing those qualities you will be able to achieve your writing goals faster than you can imagine.

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