
Buying a Bicycle

Buying a Bicycle short story coverA short humourous story for older children about buying a bicycle.

Waiting in The Shovel and Custard for the next bus makes Joe think there must be a better way to spend our time. But if you ever thought buying a bicycle was a simple matter, you should have come with us.

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Written by Tony J Moon

See more from Tony J Moon here:

Sample Text from Buying a Bicycle

The Bramley Apple and Custard is not our usual kind of drinking house, it had a thirty yard long bar, plastic tables and a Juke box. These are not the sort of things to endear me and Joe to any place.

We had been forced into the establishment because we were sheltering from the rain. We had three quarters of an hour to wait before the last bus home and this was the only pub anywhere near the bus stop. Outside it was cold, wet and windy, needless to say the bus stop had no shelter.

I sat on a red plastic covered bench slowly drinking half a pint of a thin bubbly liquid that this establishment seemed to pass off as beer. Joe sat opposite struggling to open a particularly stubborn bag of crisps. It had been one of those not very good days and conversation was a little thin.

” You know what we really need.” said Joe at length.

” A large stick of dynamite by the looks of the trouble you’re having trying to open that bag.” I suggested.

” Bicycles.” said Joe

Buying a Bicycle short story for older children image page 1Suddenly the bag gave way spilling half its contents over Joe’s lap. ” There’s no need to swear.” I said.

” I wasn’t swearing.” Joe muttered.
” Sounded like it to me.” I suggested.

” I said bicycles that’s not swearing.” said Joe.

” ‘Bicycles’ is not a word one says lightly.” I sipped the tasteless liquid in my glass.

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