Hinduism For Kids Vol 6

The book details a dialogue between a Grandmother and her grandchildren. In the introduction she explains a little about different religions, then proceeds to explain to her Granddaughters aspects of Hinduism. In this, volume 6, she describes about meditation and prayer. Sample Text from Brahma Vishnu Mahesha – There in Only God Anji – Nani, …


Another wonderful collection of poems for children and young adults by Gabriel Rosenstock. This inspiring set of short and very short poems or “micropoems” are set to beautiful public domain artwork. Sample Pages from Micropoems                   Download or read online the full book by selecting one of …

The JC Team Vol 2

Another great biblical anthology from Sister Mary Joe. Stories included are Where the Wind Blows; Jesus’ Little Companions; Ask, Seek, Knock; Talents; Mary Remembers; The Fragrance; The Blind Man; Beside Bethsaida; The Crazy Pigs. Author:Sister Mary Joe Sample Text from The JC Team Volume 2 Chapter 1 WHERE THE WIND BLOWS One night, a Pharisee …

Buying a Bicycle short story cover

A short humourous story for older children about buying a bicycle. Waiting in The Shovel and Custard for the next bus makes Joe think there must be a better way to spend our time. But if you ever thought buying a bicycle was a simple matter, you should have come with us. Download the full …

mddle school free ebook

Ishan Khire is back with a wonderful treatise on life in middle school. In this book Ishan will have to face the biggest challenge of his life: middle school. Suddenly, from arts and crafts week and eating mac and cheese with juice boxes at lunch, he’s thrust into an environment with 6 foot giants they …

Reviews (1)
free Bible stories for kids

Sister Mary Joe tells bible stories for the modern reader, with a special appeal to Generation Z, “The JC Team” acts as a bridge between ancient scripture and contemporary understanding. The book endeavors to make these narratives relatable, ensuring that readers not only comprehend the stories but also internalize their profound messages. Through its unique …

snowy owl haiku

Gabriel Rosenstock is back with a great collection of inspiring bilingual Haiku set to thought provoking artwork and photographs, including some issues on child labour in the US. Sample Page from Snowy Owl Gabriel Rosenstock See more from Gabriel Rosenstock on FKB For more about Haiku, see here: It is noted that while Japanese …


Instead of just reading books together at bedtime, aspiring young authors can now make their own book and share it! Spark imagination with the most popular children’s book genres and learn about story structure and creative writing. In this book, Write your Own Mystery Book, there are intriguing prompts of xxx and much more, to …

Reviews (2)

Once upon a time, in a cozy little cottage at the edge of a bustling town, lived a curious girl named Tilly. Tilly was known throughout the neighborhood for her unruly mop of chestnut hair and a pair of bright, sparkling eyes that held the secrets of a thousand adventures. She was always eager to explore the world around her, but her favorite place of all was her grandmother’s attic.

Reviews (3)
Doggie's Last Day

A dog’s last day before his owners move home away from the area. Doggie spends his last day saying farewell to his friends and having a final look around the place he’s lived all his life, only to end up with a terrible surprise, and some exciting twists, but will it have a happy ending? …

Reviews (9)