
Dolphin Facts – Early non-fiction

dolphin facts early non-fictionDolphin Facts provides some simple and interesting facts about dolphins for early grades. A perfect book for marine lovers with short texts and lots of images.

Sample Text from Dolphin Facts – Early non-fiction

The most common dolphin is the oceanic dolphin. The oceanic dolphin’s scientific name is Delphinidae. This is where the name Dolphin comes from.

Most people think pink dolphins don’t exist but they do. They live in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers and they eat piraΓ±as. If you ever go swimming there and see one they are very friendly (but watch out for the piraΓ±as!)

Dolphin are very smart and marine parks often teach dolphins to do tricks and perform in shows.

<End of Page 3 of Dolphin facts – Early non-fiction>

For more books on marine mammals, Check out our Sea Creatures Category.

For more Non-Fiction books, check out our Non-Fiction Category.

Here’s a couple of our favourite books on Sea Creatures:

A non-fiction book all about penguins, including review questions and a drawing task. Another great creative commons book from Open Equal Free, categorised by OEF as Level 3. By:Β Aleyna La Croix, Michael A. Jones, Hannah Bradley and Chelsea E. Hall



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All About Seals

Zehnya Bruckert and Danielle Bruckert

all about seals

Categories:Β Age 6-9 years,Β All FKB Books,Β Creative Commons,Β Danielle Bruckert,Β Intermediate English,Β Non-Fiction,Β Older Children,Β Sea Creatures,Β Zehnya Bruckert

All About Seals – A non-fiction book about seals, aimed at 5-7 year olds (Grade 1-2), including lots of facts about seals and sea lions and some very cute photos. This book is open source and is available for free distribution under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License. By:Β Zehnya Bruckert and Danielle Bruckert


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