The Free Kids Books website is dedicated to providing good quality free children’s resources in easy to use format, for the purpose of entertainment and for promoting improved literary worldwide.
The Free Kids Books blog, (which you’re here reading: this is our introduction post! 🙂 is provided to support the Free Kids Books website, providing information about our books, our authors, and our website. If you want a full summary of our website, check out our About page.
Different to most online book sites, FKB has no registration or fees, we don’t accept every book, only books of a minimum quality in a publishable format are posted, and all books are available for download in their FULL version. All books also have a link to the author’s preferred site for purchases of hard copies when available, which is normally the most direct link to purchasing from the author themselves.
All the other books provided are here because the author has made them available in pdf format for free on the internet, and our reviewers considered them suitable quality to share with others. Each book has it’s own specific copyright, some are provided specifically for use on this page, others have open licenses, for example, creative commons or public domain.
We don’t ask anything for the soft copies of books available here, but FKB and the authors really appreciate if you take the time to write a short message, a review, or help us share these book and improve the website, please share, or write a review, post a reply, or send me an email directly. Any feedback or book reviews you can provide that may help others decide if a book displayed is worth downloading or purchasing, and to help the author to market his or her creation, are greatly appreciated.
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