
How Can Books Help Kids Connect With Their Grandparents?

The bond between children and their grandparents is often incredibly unique, distinctive, and representative of an important stage in their developmental process. 

This special connection can help kids to learn some indispensable life lessons, such as independence, perspective, and empathy, especially when steps are taken to strengthen the bond.

Books can be a wonderful way to help kids learn about old age and come to terms with some potentially upsetting yet nonetheless inevitable aspects of life. 

If you wanted to help your child to bond with a truly one-of-a-kind person in their lives, it is worth thinking about the benefits that reading with them can bring. 

Understanding Mental Health

Reaching your golden years can be a wonderful achievement, complete with all the joys that having grandchildren can bring. 

Unfortunately, some of the more detrimental effects of the aging process can be profoundly unsettling for a child, particularly in regards to mental health problems such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. 

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Having to confront the reality of a loved one’s deteriorating mental health can be a testing time for anyone, so a little help from some delicate and beautiful literature can help you to understand a new perspective while supporting your child’s personal development.

Some superb kid’s books address these factors in a sincere, sensitive and educational manner, such as Karen Tyrell’s Harry Helps Grandma Remember and Travels with My Granny by Juliet Rix. 

Comfort and Happiness

If you were lucky enough to have been read to by your own grandparents, you would likely be aware of how comfortable and content it can make you feel

This can be important to children, as it allows them to feel safe and helps them learn valuable lessons from trusted loved ones. 

There are some great books to help in this area, such as Me with You by Kristy Dempsey, Grandpa Green by Lane Smith, and of course, George’s Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl.

Fun for Everyone

Grandparents need fun and excitement too, which is why encouraging them to read to their grandkids can work as a two-way street that leaves everyone feeling enriched at the end of it. 

Some fantastically fun books include the highly interactive Tickle Monster by Josie Bissett, which can provide heaps of silly and sweet entertainment, How to Babysit a Grandpa by the great Jean Reagan, or Eric Carle’s timeless classic, The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Learning Communication Skills

Kids can benefit from spending time with other members of the family aside from their parents; plus, it gives you a break from the action. 

A change of scenery from a trip to the grandparents can help them to practice their communication skills, another facet of life that reading time is great for. 

Most books can help nurture this by the very nature of literature. Still, some beautiful options worth checking out include Cuckoo by Fiona Roberton, Telephone by Mac Barnett and My Mouth is a Volcano by Julia Cook. 


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Comments 1

  • Books are an important learning resource for kids. Kids learn many things while reading books. and motivate your kids to learn books. Thanks for sharing ideas on how books connect children with their grandparents.


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