हमें तो कोई दिक्कत नहीं है

हमें तो कोई दिक्कत नहीं है! – At Least I’m Okay Hindi – A story that has a valuable lesson about climate change and how to observe your surroundings as a warning and prepare for it. Often times farmers, researchers and scientist observe animal behavior to help them tell early warnings that the climate is …


शॉल का आख़िर क्या हुआ? – What Happened to the Shawl? Hindi – A short story about reduce, reuse and recycle where a monk, before getting a new shawl, has to answer buddha’s questions about what happened to his old shawl. The monk displays ways to reuse his old stuff and buddha satisfied with his …


हंसावार – लालिमा लाल पंखों की – Dance of the Flamingos Hindi – A Factual book about flamingos. Great research material for students and young readers who wants to learn more about these breath taking birds. Did you know the colour of the flamingos comes from the food that they eat. If you take a …

शहर में शेर

शहर में शेर – There’s a Lion on the Loose Hindi – Partly based on a true story, this is about Raja the lion who went out of his cage. It was raining that night and Geeti and Vekki wondered what do animals do when it rains so hard. The ones in the wild are …

फुलसुंगनी पक्षी खाते ही क्यों रहते हैं 

फुलसुंगनी पक्षी खाते ही क्यों रहते हैं ? – Why Do Sunbirds Eat All Day Hindi – A non-fiction biology book about sunbirds. This book is perfect for students and children who want to know more about what sunbirds eat, what they do, how to identify them and many more facts. There is also an additional …


अरे, यह सब कौन खा गया? – Hindi Story Who Ate All That Up? Everything in the forest does not go to waste. This story explains why, from the unfinished food, elephant poop, and even the branches and leaves that have fallen onto the ground. Every animal inside the forest contributes and takes part in …


गुस्सैल गस: नॉरवे की एक लोककथा – The Man that Thought He Was Smarter Than His Wife Hindi – A funny story about a man who does not appreciate his wife’s hard work and always find a fault from her. One time his wife ask him to change jobs. The man agreed hoping he could …

झूठ का पर्दा - Behind the Lie Hindi - घरेलु हिंसा

झूठ का पर्दा – Behind the Lie Hindi – घरेलु हिंसा – A story about domestic violence where all the members of the family cover the situation with a lie. As the Amma tells a lie to her children, but the children know too well what is really happening for Ramesh her eldest son is …

Reviews (1)
क्या किसी ने सुंदरी को देखा है?

क्या किसी ने सुंदरी को देखा है? – Have you seen Sundari? Hindi – A fun and interactive game for your little ones while honing their reading skills. This book will surely keep their attention up until the end as they try to find Sundari a frog who hides from page to page. Written by: …

Hindi story दूसरा तरीका

Hindi दूसरा तरीका is a Hindi version of The Other Way – book of opposites. This is perfect for early young readers to discover and learn new words along with the opposite of those words. Here are some of the words that will be given to them in Hindi. ऊपर  नीचे, भारी ह􀀔क􀀕, पहले  बाद, and more. This is a level …
