children's story about never giving up free cover

Teddy wants to start a shoe shop, but it is really difficult to make shoes, will he manage? A sweet tale illustrating the importance of not giving up. Sample Page from Teddy’s Wish See also from Niti Krishnakumar See more from Niti Krishnakumar at her website:  

The Little Red Hen children's book free download

The classic tale of The Little Red Hen, this version brought to us by Core Knowledge Foundation, inclusive of activity sheets. This book teaches the powerful lesson of the importance of hard work. Sample page from The Little Red Hen  

Reviews (2)

A fun story about a lion who uses her wits to turn her unique attributes, which seemed to be a liability, to her pride’s advantage. This is an illustrate your own book story with prompts for your child to draw, making it their very own storybook. Sample Page from Eleonora Thistletail See more children’s books …

seal and sharky friendship cover

Sharky just can’t make friends, until an unlikely adversary judges his heart, not his looks — a short cute tale with a moral. Sample page from The Seal and The Sharky Volume 1 Friendship   Written by Danielle Bruckert Illustrated by Zehnya Bruckert Also available in an editable file here:  

The Magic Pitcher - Children's Tales from the Sanskrit

A beautiful rendition of the classic Sanskrit tale (stories with morales), The Magic Pitcher, complete with illustrations and comprehension / inferential questions. Sample Text from The Magic Pitcher Long, long ago there lived far away in India a woodcutter called Subha Datta and his family, who were all very happy together. The father went every …

Three Billy Goats Gruff

This classic tale is told with some beautiful imagery combined with some comprehension questions. Creator: Core Knowledge Foundation See more from CKF on FKB here: This book is also available in an editable version (created using Open Office): Sample Page from Three Billy Goats Gruff:    

children's human rights ebook

We are re-releasing this beautiful book for the upcoming celebration of International Human Rights day. In I Know My Rights, Menaka Raman explains in a clear and no compromises way what children’s basic human rights are. The poignant book includes a child-friendly version of the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child and advice …


The fox sees the birds, bees, and bats, and greatly desires to fly – will perseverance win? Sample Text: One night, Fox told her kits a bedtime story. It was the tale of a fox. This fox wanted to fly. Her kits said they wanted to fly. They said, “Flying looks like fun!” Let’s listen …


The Good Fox is a fable about a fox who succeeds through kindness. It reinforces how doing good is rewarding and being kind to others is important. The book also has lots of fun repetition so can be suitable for children learning to read. Sample Text from The Good Fox Fox awoke and she was …

Reviews (2)

Psychedelic seal is not like all the others – he doesn’t blend in like the other seals, not only is he in danger to the world at large, he gets teased by the other seal pups. Learn about how psychedelic seal learns to triumph in spite of his differences and even because of them in …
