
Tag «Hindi»

दूसरा तरीका – Hindi Story of The Other Way

Hindi story दूसरा तरीका

Hindi दूसरा तरीका is a Hindi version of The Other Way – book of opposites. This is perfect for early young readers to discover and learn new words along with the opposite of those words. Here are some of the words that will be given to them in Hindi. ऊपर  नीचे, भारी ह􀀔क􀀕, पहले  बाद, and more. This is a level …


7 Colours in Hindi : सात रंगों का इन्द्रधनुष – a Hindi Story

hindi story सात रंगों का इन्द्रधनुष

 सात रंगों का इन्द्रधनुष – 7 Colours a Hindi Story is a fun picture book about the colors of the rainbow and where we can see these colours in everyday life. This is perfect for children speaking Hindi as a first or second language to learn to identify colours in their own native language. This …


सारी गलती उस बिल्ली कि है – a Hindi Story

hindi story सारी गलती उस 􀀊ब􀀌ली 􀀊क है

Hindi story सारी गलती उस बिल्ली कि है – a Hindi story book based on the English story It’s All The Cat’s Fault, The book tells a fun story of how a boy loses his homework, and blames the cat, is it really the cat’s fault. Come read and see what really happened, in this iclassic variation …
