
The JC Team Vol 1 – from Sr. Mary Joe

free Bible stories for kidsSister Mary Joe tells bible stories for the modern reader, with a special appeal to Generation Z, “The JC Team” acts as a bridge between ancient scripture and contemporary understanding. The book endeavors to make these narratives relatable, ensuring that readers not only comprehend the stories but also internalize their profound messages. Through its unique storytelling approach, “The JC Team” aims to deepen your connection with Jesus, inviting you to become an integral member of his team.

Sample text from The JC Team Volume 1

Jesus waded into the cold waters of Jordan, joining the line of men awaiting baptism by John the Baptist. When his turn came, Jesus humbly knelt in the water. John hesitated, recognizing the magnitude of the moment and said, “I am not worthy to baptize you.”
Jesus looked up at John. “Do it this way now, John. God wills it.”
John nodded, acknowledging the divine directive. He gently rested his hand on Jesus’ head and immersed him into the waters of Jordan. As the liquid closed over Jesus, John sensed a strange power surrounding them. He looked around and saw the once clean river turning dark as soot. John understood that this symbolized the dark sins which had been washed away from the many people he had baptized in the river. Moments later, the dark color began to converge and dissolve into Jesus, returning the pristine freshness to the flowing waters of Jordan. It seemed as though Jesus was drawing all the filth towards himself, for he was the Messiah who had come to take upon himself the dark sins of the world and make humanity pure and holy.
Jesus rose from the sparkling waters and John gazed on in awe. Just then, a dove descended from Heaven and rested upon Jesus. In a thunderous voice, God the Father spoke from Heaven, “This is my own dear Son, with whom I am well pleased!”
The people on the shores of Jordan heard the unusual thunder and witnessed the extraordinary radiance around Jesus. They grew curious and began talking among themselves.

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