
The Magic Pitcher – Tales From the Sanskrit for Children

The Magic Pitcher - Children's Tales from the SanskritA beautiful rendition of the classic Sanskrit tale (stories with morales), The Magic Pitcher, complete with illustrations and comprehension / inferential questions.

Sample Text from The Magic Pitcher

Long, long ago there lived far away in India a woodcutter called Subha Datta and his family, who were all very happy together. The father went every day to the forest near his home to get supplies of wood, which he sold to his neighbours, earning by that means quite

The Magic Pitcher - Children's Tales from the Sanskrit Page enough to give his wife and children all that they needed. Sometimes he took his three boys with him, and now and then, as a special treat, his two little girls were allowed to trot along beside him. Some of the boys and girls longed to be allowed to chop wood for themselves, and their father told them that as soon as they were old enough he would give each of them a little axe of their own. This will show you what a kind father he was, and you will be very sorry for him when you hear about his troubles.

All went well with Subha Datta for a long time. Each of the boys had his own little axe at last, and each of the girls had a little pair of scissors to cut off twigs; and very proud they all were when they brought some wood home to their mother to use in the house. One day, however, their father told them they could none of them come with him, for he meant to go a very long way into the forest, to see if he could find better wood there than nearer home. Vainly the boys entreated him to take them with him. “Not today,” he said, “you would be too tired to go all the way, and would lose yourselves coming back alone. You must help your mother today and play with your sisters.” They had to be content, for although Hindu children are as fond of asking questions as English boys and girls, they are very obedient to their parents and do all they are told without making any fuss about it.

<End of Sample>

Download or read online the full book on the links below the post.

This Book is also available in The Magic Pitcher Editable Version (made with the open source OpenOffice software).

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