Tyler No-Tail Mouse – In Gingers Wood live lots of beautiful creatures, including Benny Badger, Tyler No-Tail Mouse, Milly Merry Mouse, and Freddy Fox. In this tale Tyler follows his love of Jam on an adventure, which nearly ends in disaster at Franky Farmer’s house.
This is one of many stories about a very dear friend of mine. Your parents may think it’s a bit odd for me to have a friend who’s a mouse… but you understand don’t you children?
I thought you would.
This event occurred a little more than a week ago. The marvellous event was their magnificently magical New Year’s party. I saw the New Year in with my dearest and oldest little friend Mr Benny Badger. It was quiet and simple.
Benny prepared some biscuits and hot milk which we enjoyed by the warm fire, then we listened to some of our favourite songs at midnight. Even Freddy fox paid us a visit for a forkful or two of Benny’s delightful blueberry pie.
But the mice all had something more spectacular in mind, something they did every year in a large ball room underground. They got together from all different parts of the woodland and celebrated into the night. The beautiful dresses and tuxedos were a wonderful sight and, if I say so myself, lady mice look so much more beautiful in dresses than humans could ever do.
<end of sample>
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Comments 1
Rob Griffiths writes:
This is a beautifully descriptive story. The characters are polite and the story line, whilst a little dramatic towards the end is wonderfully simple. I enjoyed this story so much I got permission to read this story on my podcast http://bedtime.fm/storytime
mandy seal writes:
This story is brilliant, I have to read it over and over again to my children, the pictures are fantastic, great.
Lorraine Morris writes:
This book is beautiful, children love the pictures, and the story is very sweet and friendly, 10/10
Emily Thomas writes:
Wonderful story and pictures.
Rob Griffiths writes:
This is a beautifully descriptive story. The characters are polite and the story line, whilst a little dramatic towards the end is wonderfully simple. I enjoyed this story so much I got permission to read this story on my podcast http://bedtime.fm/storytime
mandy seal writes:
This story is brilliant, I have to read it over and over again to my children, the pictures are fantastic, great.
Lorraine Morris writes:
This book is beautiful, children love the pictures, and the story is very sweet and friendly, 10/10
Emily Thomas writes:
Wonderful story and pictures.
Shelby Hain writes: