cat egg bo books three letter stories

Cat Egg is a three letter word book from Bo Books. This is among the easiest possible stories, making it a good way to learn reading. Every word is no longer than three letters. The first step in learning to read is a big one: from single letters to whole words. That’s a lot to ask …

Reviews (3)
Bo go up two letter stories

Bo Go Up is one in a series of a single letter, three letter, and, two letter stories from Bo Books. If you were learning to read a new language, you’d start with short words. When we teach children to read, we should do the same. Bo Books teaches children to read using short words …

Reviews (2)
single letter book Y

In a follow up to the popular We Go To Bo by Larry Baum, Bo Books provides this single letter book, Y  – did you even know it could exist? This can be great fun for children who know the alphabet and have learned the letter names, to differentiate between the names of the letters …

We Go To Bo

If you have an early reader, especially if they are a struggling reader, then there is help at hand, in the form of three letter stories! They are magic for struggling readers and can really turn around and improve a readers abilty in just a short time. If you feel you have plateaued with a …

Reviews (2)
We Go To Bo

We Go To Bo – One and two early readers letter words, avisit to Bo’s with Ma leads to lots of fun and bubbles. A beautifully illustrated book written completely in words of two letters or less. A great book to build confidence and blending for early readers, and a short fun book for very …

Reviews (4)