
Help your little one learn fine motor skills in a safe and fun way with this animal theme scissor skills book. You can see many more of these books for purchase here:    

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A bumper collection of mazes and dot to dot with a dinosaur theme. Help children develop important educational skills while having tons of fun! Hard copies also available at the author’s website, here:  

Reviews (3)

Instead of just reading books, aspiring young authors can now make their own book and share it! Spark imagination with the most popular children’s book genres and learn about story structure and creative writing. In this book, Write your Own Horror Book, there are enchantingly scary image prompts of ghouls, witches, cauldrons, skeletons, and much …


Instead of just reading books together at bedtime, aspiring young authors can now make their own book and share it! Spark imagination with the most popular children’s book genres and learn about story structure and creative writing. In this book, Write your Own Fantasy Book, there are beautiful prompts of fairytale castles, dragons, unicorns, fairies …

Reviews (3)

Gabriel Rosenstock overhears these delightful conversations among cats set to the beautiful images of Elizabeth Fearne Bonsall. Sample Page from Conversations Among Cats What will we do today?” “Kill a mouse. What else?” “Kill a mouse? Do we have to?” “Yes.” “Meeow! Well, if you insist.” “I insist.” “Come on. Shake a leg! Let’s tell …

Reviews (2)

A mysterious monster is wreaking havoc in this child’s house. Who is she? What will the child do? There are monsters everywhere in our imagination. The trick is to find their friendly side, while working with them on the bad habits. Do you have monsters in your house? Another great book from the creator and …

Reviews (5)

Another beautiful volume of Haiku set to beautiful art from Gabriel Rosenstock. Very suitable for older children or school studies. Each poem in this thought provoking poetry anthology contains a stunning public domain artwork or image.  Gabriel Rosenstock See more from Gabriel Rosenstock on FKB   For more about Haiku, see here: It is …

Reviews (3)

Psychedelic seal is not like all the others – he doesn’t blend in like the other seals, not only is he in danger to the world at large, he gets teased by the other seal pups. Learn about how psychedelic seal learns to triumph in spite of his differences and even because of them in …


Baby Thangwang and Bhalluka the Bear are best friends. They like to talk and growl together,  This cute short story has lots of sound words for early readers to practice sounding out or to have fun sounding out when reading to a toddler / kindergartener. Sample Page – Thangwang and Bhalluka Baby Thangwang likes to …


Don’t be a Bully is a short simple book for young children, and beginner ESL readers, promoting values of anti-bullying and anti-discrimination. This book teaches children ten important life lessons about values and the importance of treating everyone equal, no matter what race, religion, gender, or abilities. There are exercises supporting the topics at the …

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