हिमानी की तरह कैसे सुलझाएँ समस्याएं

हिमानी की तरह कैसे सुलझाएँ समस्याएं? – How to Solve a Problem Like Himani Hindi – This story is about Himani a girl living on a snowy mountain of the Himalaya’s and how she and her classmates where able to address and improve the living conditions they face on the icy mountain. Water was brought …


हंसावार – लालिमा लाल पंखों की – Dance of the Flamingos Hindi – A Factual book about flamingos. Great research material for students and young readers who wants to learn more about these breath taking birds. Did you know the colour of the flamingos comes from the food that they eat. If you take a …


हमें तो कोई दिक्कत नहीं है

हमें तो कोई दिक्कत नहीं है! – At Least I’m Okay Hindi – A story that has a valuable lesson about climate change and how to observe your surroundings as a warning and prepare for it. Often times farmers, researchers and scientist observe animal behavior to help them tell early warnings that the climate is …


स्वतंत्रता की ओर – Hindi Story Marching to Freedom –  Mahatma Gandhi along with his supporters where fighting for India’s freedom. They were organizing a march that will go down in History and be known as the Salt March. The plan is Gandhi and some of the men from the ashram were going to walk through …


सुना क्या

सुना क्या? – Did You Hear? – An early nature book about bird sounds Hindi – A non-fiction book about bird sounds for young readers. This book can also be used as an early grade school book about birds. After reading this book you can try an activity with your child by copying the bird …


साहसी रीमा – Hindi Story of Brave Rima, Rima got lost in the fair! Rima along with her uncle visited the fair, overjoyed and amazed with the colourful scene that she witnessed in front of her she was not able to notice that she got separated from her uncle. But Rima was brave and knew …


hindi story सारी गलती उस 􀀊ब􀀌ली 􀀊क है

Hindi story सारी गलती उस बिल्ली कि है – a Hindi story book based on the English story It’s All The Cat’s Fault, The book tells a fun story of how a boy loses his homework, and blames the cat, is it really the cat’s fault. Come read and see what really happened, in this iclassic variation …


सबसे अच्छा घर

सबसे अच्छा घर – The Best House Of All Hindi – A book that will inspire and teach future architects about different kinds of houses and what types of houses are suited for a particular place. The book also has factual information about the advantages of these types of houses and the materials used in …


संख्याओं का मेला

संख्याओं का मेला – Maths at the Mela Hindi – This books shows lesson in math for young readers. A school field trip on a fair where students soon discover that before they can go and enjoy the rides they need to group them selves into twos, threes and four. To avoid counting which will …


शॉल का आख़िर क्या हुआ? – What Happened to the Shawl? Hindi – A short story about reduce, reuse and recycle where a monk, before getting a new shawl, has to answer buddha’s questions about what happened to his old shawl. The monk displays ways to reuse his old stuff and buddha satisfied with his …

