
Once upon a time, in a cozy little cottage at the edge of a bustling town, lived a curious girl named Tilly. Tilly was known throughout the neighborhood for her unruly mop of chestnut hair and a pair of bright, sparkling eyes that held the secrets of a thousand adventures. She was always eager to explore the world around her, but her favorite place of all was her grandmother’s attic.

Reviews (2)
God's Story Book

In God’s Story Book Donna Nieri retells wonderful stories from the bible along with some inspiring parables in this beautifully illustrated poetic volume.  Stories are short and simply told perfect for young children. Sample Text from God’s Story Book God made heaven and earth the moon, stars and sun and air to breathe, it was …

Reviews (1)

The naughty Christmas Goblin is trying to steal the Christmas gifts, but can the Elfling outsmart him? Another beautiful Christmas story from T Ferries Sample Text from The Christmas Goblin and the Elfling Once, two elves were putting their elfling to bed. It was a dark and snowy night. The mother elf designed toys and …

I love my planet picture book

I do not use plastic bags but I use cloth bags instead.

Reviews (2)

Always Be Good is a short simple book for young children, and beginner ESL readers, promoting important behaviours young children need to learn. Book 5 in the FKB Always Be Nice series featuring cute animals and alliteration.

Reviews (2)
Children's book about misadventure

Allie thinks her mum looks so pretty with short hair, she wishes she had short hair, what do you think she will do? Find out in this beautifully illustrated short book, perfect for reading to young children, or by emergent readers. Read the full book by selecting one of the green buttons below the post! …

Reviews (1)
Tug of war children's story - a fable

Turtle wants to be treated as an equal by the bigger animals, can he prove to them that he is worthy of being treated as an equal? Sample Text from Tug of War Turtle was small, but he talked big. He loved to boast that he was friends with the biggest animals in the jungle. …


What would gorillas do if they went to the beach? A beautifully illustrated short children’s story for young children, also suitable for learn to read age. Author/Illustrator: Jemma Jose See more books about animals in our Animals Category. See more books like this in our Toddlers Category Download or read online the full book by …

Peepre in the Postbox cover

Peepre wanders out onto a leaf in the bright sun, WHOOSH! He is blown into a post box, and there his adventure begins. A cute look at how a letter gets to its destination. This book was brought to us by Pratham Books and their Storyweaver platform. Read the full book by selecting one of …

Reviews (2)

Rat Cat is a very short book with cute illustrations featuring Cat and Rat. Perfect for building confidence in early readers! Sample Page Author: Dropti Sharma Illustrator: Rajeev Verma ‘Banjara’ See more Eary Readers on FKB in our Early Readers Section    
