
Girls Don’t Like Dinosaurs

girlsdontlikedinosaursGirls Don’t Like Dinosaurs – A short comic book style story about pressure to conform and being yourself. Girls can be girls in what ever way they feel like, regardless of how others think.

By: Natasha Alterici



Images from Girls Don’t Like Dinosaurs

<end of sample>

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Comments 2

  • Eric Dean writes:
    Gender conformity and the imposition of gender roles on children is a huge and developing issue today. This comic puts it in a very sweet and simple way that anyone can understand, children and adults alike.

    Patty writes:
    I love the facial expressions and body language of the little girl! Very cute ending, too.

    Jaison Rajan writes:
    I really like this book. Its simple yet represents changes using various narrative techniques. A cute story too. P.S. Really think her smile at the end is realllllyyy cute!


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