karabo's question /o/ sound

Karabo’s Question is a rhyming book for young children. This book focusses on the /əʊ/ sound, eg “ow” in know, “oe” in tow, “o” in no, “ew” in sew. In this respect it can make a nice addition to a structured phonics program for introducing this sound. Illustrated by Natalie Edwards Written by Liesl Jobson This …

look at me

Look At Me a delightful and fun story of how each body part is being used. In this book children enjoy doing things with the use of their hands, mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. This story introduces the different senses we have and the simple use of these body parts. This is a good text …

Reviews (2)
sizwe's smile give back with optimism

A smile is a thing you can give away and keep, it costs nothing, it makes everyone feel good, and it’s contagious. In Sizwe’s smile we find out more about how a big smile can go a long way to make everyone happy. This book was brought to us by BookDash, a literacy non-profit aimed …

Reviews (1)
classic stories bedtime stories

The Classic Stories Big Book from the Core Knowledge Foundation includes condensed versions of ten famous classic stories or fables, each includes beautiful illustrations, perfect for reading to kindergarten or early grade children, and suitable for early reading by early grade developing readers. This book is designed for the US preschool / pre-kindergarten (Pre-K) syllabus …

Reviews (8)
how to be happy

How to be Happy is a short simple book for young children and beginner ESL reader, promoting values of appreciation and giving, and can be used as an early reader. The book is perfect for building confidence in reading with only 25 words most of which are simple words. This book also teaches kids ten …

Reviews (5)
early maths colouring book

How Many is a fun early maths colouring book with animals and bugs. It includes pages like how many eyes do six cats have, including early multiplication skills. Sample Page How Many – Early Maths Colouring Book     See more of our colouring books below     Sponsored Links: Note – if you sign up …

stick your tongue out early biology

A fun book for kindergarten and early grades, when reading this book poking your own tongue out to see what you can do with it is compulsory! Teachers, you can even let your class poke out their tongues after reading this as part of a science experiment. In Stick Your Tongue out, wach page has …

Reviews (2)
maddy moona's menagerie

Maddy Monna’d Menagerie – Animal rhymes is a fun story full of animal mayhem in the style of Rod Campbell’s Dear Zoo. Maddy wants a pet for her 5th birthday, but can she find the right pet? Read all about her decision making in this fun animal rhyme from BookDash. Download or read the flipbook …

the royal toothache colouring book hygiene

Even the king of the jungle must keep his teeth clean. Read this sweet story about who will finally teach him this important lesson. This wonderful mystery about the importance in keeping your self clean, in this colouring and hygiene story where children can colour each page themselves. Author: Sanjiv Jaiswal ‘Sanjay’ Illustrator: Ajit Narayan …

color me safe colouring book

Color Me Safe is a safety colouring book from the US Center for Disease Control Injury Prevention division. This fun rhyming colouring story book has really important health and safety advice, perfect for physical education or health classes in elementary school. We can never under-estimate the importance of health and safety information, and many unnecessary …
