
Popular Books for Kids About International Relationships, Love, and Same-sex Parents

Being a parent is the ultimate responsibility without all other aspects of life. But when work, relationships, friends, and hobbies jump on top of your already burdened shoulders, it’s normal to make some cuts. Many lesbians decide that the easiest sacrifice to make is to stop dating. It’s noble that they’re ready to sacrifice their happiness for their kids, but there’s no reason to do that. Single lesbians can (and should) use every help they can to balance parenting and dating. Online dating and kids’ books are two aces in the sleeve of every happy lesbian mom. We’ll reveal the top 5 books for young kids new (or old) couples can use to educate and inspire their kids. But before, we’ll give a couple of tips to mamas to help them find desired matches.

Benefits Kids Books Might Bring to Moms

The benefits of reading to kids are numerous. There are almost too many to count. Read to your kids whenever you can. But be clever and use that to get more dates online. Other single girls, not just moms, love to see caring women who invest their time and energy into their kids. Mentioning passion for teaching your kids through books on the international lesbian dating site is a killer move. It’s a subtle way to let other members know you’re a mom, and books are always a good chat topic. Women from other countries will have their local books to recommend, so the chat never has to end. To arm with chat topics and help your kids develop, get the 5 picture books we’ll list below.

My Two Moms and Me

It’s crucial to work with the kids from the start, so having a handy book like My Two Moms and Me is wise for every lesbian couple with kids. Even single lesbian moms can use this beautifully illustrated book to teach babies and toddlers about different types of lesbian families. The book celebrates gay relationships and differences.

I Am Billie Jean King

I Am Billie Jean King is an illustrated book for a bit older kids. Every lesbian couple with kids aged 4-8 can use this autobiography to inspire their children. Billi won Wimbledon six times in singles and 14 times in doubles. She’s a role model to many worldwide, but LGBT couples love her because of her activity in the LGBT community. Maybe your little girl starts playing tennis after learning about Billie Jean King.

A Family Is a Family Is a Family

This simple picture book for toddlers is a perfect tool for lesbian moms. It shows kids that families are different, and there’s no need to be ashamed of theirs. Some kids have two dads, some have two moms, some live with their aunts. This book teaches empathy and tolerance by listing different families with different nationalities, sex orientations, and relationships. The moral of the story is that love makes family, not skin color or the number of moms in the picture.

Same-Same or Different?

Same-Same or Different is about friendship. Every mom needs to read a lot of those to her kids. It pictures the difference between older generations, or better to say, the old-fashioned way of thinking, and the present. Of course, Snake and Sparrow can be friends despite all the differences. The world would be boring if everybody would hang out only with those exactly like them. Roopa Pai found a beautiful way to bring that message to little kids. We’re sure many lesbian moms are thankful for it.

Annie’s Plaid Shirt

Annie’s Plaid Shirt is another inspiring picture book every lesbian mom should read to her kids. Annie loves wearing her shirt everywhere, but her mom doesn’t approve of that. It’s a nice metaphor with a strong message that touches both moms and kids.

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