Categories: Age years 13+, Creative Commons, Grade 7+, Nature, Non-Fiction, Science, Science, UEN
This Earth Science Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook is written specifically for students to have a reputable source for them to obtain materials and information aligned to Utah Earth Science Standards for Grade 9, or for student’s first year Earth Science (Earth Science I) in highschool. The book is revised every year, based on teachers’ feedback …
Categories: Age years 13+, biology, Creative Commons, Grade 7+, Non-Fiction, Open Educational Resources, Science, UEN
This high school Biology textbook is an Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook written specifically for students to have a reputable source for them to obtain materials and information aligned to the Utah school biology curriculum. The hope is that teachers use these resources for their students, as they keep records and suggestions on how to …
Categories: Age years 13+, Creative Commons, Grade 7+, Maths, Non-Fiction, Open Educational Resources, UEN
Secondary Mathematics 3 – is separated into 9 modules, Functions and their Inverses, Logarithmic Functions, Polynomial Functions, Rational Expressions and Functions, Modeling with Geometry, Modeling Periodic Behavior, Trigonometric Functions, Statistics and more. Each of the 9 modules is available at ordinary and honours levels and each has a student and teacher version. Secondary Mathematics Three: …
Categories: Age years 13+, Creative Commons, Grade 7+, Non-Fiction, Physics, Science, UEN
Physics – a high school textbook is suitable for grades 9 plus (9+), that is it’s suitable for the first year of Physics in high school and is created by the Utah Education Network Open Resources Project, aligned with Utah state Physics syllabus. This Open Educational Resource (OER) Physics textbook is written specifically for students to …
Categories: Age years 13+, Creative Commons, Grade 7+, Maths, Non-Fiction, Open Educational Resources, UEN
These 7th Grade Math textbooks are separated into sets of ebooks in 8 subject areas. Each set consists of: Mathematical Foundations which explains the mathematical content of each chapter, a Student Workbook with an overview of the chapter, daily class activities and matching homework sets, practice standards, and student self-assessments, and a Parent Manual (teacher guide) which mimics …
Categories: Age 10-13 years, Creative Commons, Grade 4 to Grade 6, Maths, Non-Fiction, Open Educational Resources, UEN
This 6th Grade Math textbooks is separated into 7 sets of ebooks, including an overview and 6 subjects. Each subject consists of: Mathematical Foundations which explains the mathematical content of each chapter, a Student Workbook with an overview of the chapter, daily class activities and matching homework sets, practice standards, and student self-assessments, and a Parent Manual (teacher guide) …
Categories: Age years 13+, Creative Commons, Grade 7+, Non-Fiction, Science, UEN
This Open Educational Resource (OER) high school chemistry UEN textbook is written specifically for students to have a reputable source for them to obtain materials and information aligned to Utah Chemistry Standards. With the hope that teachers use this resources for their students, as they keep records and suggestions on how to improve the book. …
Categories: Creative Commons, Grade 7+, Maths, Non-Fiction, Open Educational Resources, Spanish, UEN
Secondary Mathematics 2 – is separated into 9 modules, Quadratic Functions, Structure of Expressions, Quadratic Equations, More Functions and More Features, Geometric Figures, Similarity and Right Triangle Trigonometry, Circles from a Geometric Perspective, Circles and Other Conics, and Probability. Each has a separate student textbook and teacher notes at ordinary and honors level. The vision …
Categories: Age years 13+, Creative Commons, Grade 7+, Maths, Open Educational Resources, Spanish, UEN
Secondary Mathematics 1 – is separated into 8 modules, Sequences, Linear and Exponential Functions, Features of Functions, Equations and Inequalities, Systems of Equations and Inequalities, Transformations and Symmetry, Congruence, Construction and proof, Connecting Algebra and Geometry, and Modeling Data Mathematics. The book contains worked examples for learning and lots of practice exercises. The teachers guide …
Categories: Age 6-9 years, Children, Creative Commons, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Non-Fiction, Science, UEN
This Grade 3 Science textbook is produced by Utah Education Network’s open textbook initiative using the CK-12 Foundation open education resources. The book is suitable for children age 7-9, and covers the science topics of a Grade 3 level in Utah. The bok includes chapters on the Earth and Moon, What is Alive, What is …