Categories: Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Children, Christmas, Family, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Intermediate English, Ivan Parvov, Read along video, Values
The Best Christmas Gift brings us another wonderful adventure from Bubu, the small fox with a big heart. This time, it’s Christmas, and Bubu helps Santa with an important task. A very sweet and beautifully illustrated children’s story, with a nice moral to help children learn about values and rules. Many other Languages available at …
Categories: Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Children, Creative Commons, Non-Fiction, Read along video, Storyweaver-Pratham
Fossils can answer many questions about our past, find out more about these fascinating historical imprints, and a few details about their history in India. Another great creative commons story by Pratham and Storyweaver. Author: Anupama Chandrasekaran Illustrator: Rai Sample Page from Fossils: Tales of Long Ago Read along with the video, read by Kiwi …
Some kind hearted children decide to make a difference on Thanksgivng and start a tradition of “Children Helpint Children”. A perfect book to emphasise the spirit behind Thanksgiving. “With a giving spirit one can achieve great things.” Read along with the video here: Read by Kiwi Opa
A group of friends love spending time with each other, but they also each have different likes and hates, respecting each other’s personal space means they have more fun while not offending each other. An endearing story explaining an important lesson about respecting others. Another great story from Kaptain Uke, aka Mr. Belgrave. See more …
Jack’s dad started to show some symptoms of a weird illness. He went to several doctors and they couldn’t find anything wrong. Jack’s Dad decided it was important to think like a scientist and did not give up looking. Finally, he found a specialist who diagnosed his condition, but not soon enough – Jack’s grandparents …
Bulli is a little girl growing up in a bamboo-weavers’ community. Bulli finds her father troubled and discovers the bamboo suppliers threatened to raise the rates and put their whole village in jeopardy. Bulli looks for other ways of finding bamboo, and ends up facing the legendary tiger! Will the villagers find another way? Shalini …
Once there was a small mouse with a big dream. He wanted to go to the far-off land. Along the way, he meets some interesting characters, helps many in need, and completes a magical transformation. This story follows with vocabulary and questions including reading comprehension, think and share, and topic-based. Jumping Mouse is a Native …
Thembi and Thulani’s Grandpa is very sick. They are sad. Then Mommy and Daddy tell them Grandpa won’t be coming home anymore. They miss Grandpa Nathi. Daddy and Mommy find a special way to remember Grandpa Nathi. Illustrated by Agrippa Mncedisi Hlophe Written by Savnola Goldridge Designed by Jason Gien Edited by Mariam Mahomed Brought …
Categories: Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Animals, Children, Conservation, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Intermediate English
Baby olive ridley turtles hatch from sun-warmed eggs on remote beaches. They wait and creep under cover of darkness to the protecting water. One of the little hatchlings narrates our story. She triumphantly makes it across the beach and into the ocean without losing her way or being captured by predators. Our little olive ridley …