Je sais fabriquer plein de choses!

Je Sais Fabriquer Plein de Choses!  the French Version of the Engish story I Can Make Things, tells the story of a boy who can make things, he can draw, create a plane and boat out of paper, he can do a lot of things that his little sister cannot do. Download or read the …

Puedo hacer cosas!

Puedo Hacer Cosas! is the Spanish version of the short English story I Can Make Things. This is a Spanish Level 1 book brought to us by Pratham’s Story Weaver. This book tells the story of a boy who can make a lot of things. He can draw his mother and sister, He can also …

El rey gordo y el perro flaco

El Rey Gordo y el Perro Flaco – Fat King Thin Dog Spanish version tells the story of how the fat king chases the thin dog. After running for days will he still be fat? A short fun book for young children. This is a Level 1 English book from Pratham’s Storyweaver, Level 1 book is …

Le gros roi et le chien maigre

Le gros roi et le chien maigre – Fat King Thin Dog French version this is a Story of a King who owns a dog, but his dog run away chasing a bird. The King run after his dog for days. Would he stay fat still? This is a fun short simple story for young …

hindi मोटा राजा 􀀈बला कु􀀍ा

मोटा राजा दुबला कुत्ता, a Hindi Story – Tells the story of a fat king and his dog, The king run after his dog who was chasing a bird. What could be the outcome of this story? Will the King stay fat? This is a funny story perfect for young children. This is a Hindi …

Cuáles son los colores

¿Cuáles son los colores? is the spanish version of 7 Colours Of A Rainbow. In this picture book young children will learn the different colours of the rainbow and where these colours could be seen in everyday life. Perfect for young children to learn new words and name and identify colours. This is a Spanish Level …

Reviews (1)
hindi story सात रंगों का इन्द्रधनुष

 सात रंगों का इन्द्रधनुष – 7 Colours a Hindi Story is a fun picture book about the colors of the rainbow and where we can see these colours in everyday life. This is perfect for children speaking Hindi as a first or second language to learn to identify colours in their own native language. This …

911 colouring activity book

The 911 Colouring and Activity Book is a really important book for children to learn about calling for help in an emergency and how the 911 system works. Use these exercises to teach your children or your students the important emergency response actions for various situations so they are prepared in case of an emergency. …

shocking report card

The Very Shocking Report Card is a story about a little boy Pattu whose report card is less than desirable, what will happen when his Papa and Mummy see the report card? This beautifully illustrated story has some wonderful examples of adjectives and similes which makes it a great story for English studies, and is …

Reviews (1)
C'est la faute du chat !

C’est la faute du chat ! – It’s All The Cat’s Fault French version This is a funny story about a boy who tries to explain why he was not able to bring his homework, when he was asked by his teacher, his answer was C’est la faute du chat !. But why was it the …
