Tag «whale sound»
¿Alguna vez has oído cantar a una ballena? – Have You Ever Heard A Whale Sing? Spanish

¿Alguna vez has oído cantar a una ballena? – Have You Ever Heard A Whale Sing? Spanish: Under the ocean lies a big mystery that scientist tries to unfold. A mysterious tune among other sound emitted by a magnificent creature. This sounds varies by species but all are as captivating and melodious and this sounds …
Have You Ever Heard A Whale Sing? Whale songs facts

In Have You Ever Heard A Whale Sing we hear lots of facts about whale songs. The underwater world is a noisy place. But amidst it all, melodious songs echo through the water. Read all about some of the strongest, largest and loudest singers under the sea—whales! Author: Divya Panicker, Illustrator: Deepti Sharma Sample Text …