
The Box – A play

The theme of this theatrical play is organ transplants in Greece.

A family of four lives happily in the suburbs of Athens. The parents, a banker and a teacher, the son a first-year university student, and the daughter in high school. Their carefree lives are about to change forever.

The author uses this poignant play to shine more light on the issue of organ donation, many countries still have low donor rates and stigmas about donation, this play can help raise awareness of this important gift.

Note: this book has been translated from the orginal version in Greek.

Editor Note: While some countries have reimbursement of expenses, research shows, the only country that has legalised paying for transplants is Iran. They have a legal compensation for kidney transplants in some States which has been very successful. This law has practically eliminated the waiting lists and the model should be considered worldwide. Some countries have reduced waiting lists for transplants by adopting an “opt-out law” whereupon if you don’t register to opt-out you are automatically considered a donor. As part of the FKB Make a Difference initiative FKB supports the creation of laws that encourage more organ donation and reduced waiting lists. If you want more details or to support this initiative please get in touch by leaving a comment on this post, email danielle “at”, or use the contacts on our About page.Donor_Card

If you wish to declare your wishes to donate your organs or body to medicine or science in your passing, see here: editable donation card, opposite is the file and image.


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