
The Night the Tooth-fairy Didn’t Come – pre-teen fiction

The night the tooth-fairy didn't comeThe Night the Tooth-fairy Didn’t Come is a humouous middle-grade fantasy adventure with two BFFs about finding the tooth-fairy and a way home.

The last sleepover of the summer for BFFs Bea and Chum was also the weekend that Bea’s last baby tooth finally came out. Maybe because it was the last one. Maybe that’s why the Tooth Fairy never came. Follow Bea and Chum as they search for the tooth fairy and for a way to get back home. Hint, it’s not ruby slippers.

By: Susha Golomb




Sample text from The Night the Tooth-fairy Didn’t Come

“Quit shoving.”

“Well, move over then. You’re hogging the whole sink.”

“I’m not.You’re sticking your elbows out too far. There’s no room here either…Eeew! You’re drooling on me. That’s disgusting.”

United in their mutual dislike of their real first names, Beatrice and Tanchum had always been best friends.

“My elbows are in,” Bea said. “Move over. I need extra room to floss. Don’t bump. Oh, God, now look what you did.”

“What? What did I do?” Chum complained. “I didn’t do anything.”

They were at Bea’s house. The last sleepover of the summer. Next week was the beginning of middle school and the end of Chum and Bea.

“Aagh! Da fos is caught on my woose toot,” Bea wailed. “I can’t ged it out. Ooo! Id’s beeding. Ooo!” A few drops fell into the sink.

“Just pull the string through, Bea. Here let me…Eeew. It is caught.”
“Watch it. You’re puwing too hard,” Bea whined. “Look oud. Ow!”
“Hey, Bea! Look, it’s out.”
“Quick, close the drain.” They both grabbed for the handle as the tooth made its way

unevenly toward the open drain.
“I got it,” Chum cried, holding up the tiny baby tooth, then remembering that it did not

come out of her own mouth. “Yuck! It’s all bloody and slimey.” She nearly dropped it back in the sink, but Bea grabbed it first.

“My tooth. This is so great,” Bea cackled, sticking her face in the mirror to examine the new empty space while Chum hurriedly washed her hands. Dropping the tooth into the water cup, Bea opened her mouth wide and pulled the corner of her lip as far as it would go to get a better look.

“My toof wasn’t that loose yet.” Bea said through finger-warped lips. “It oonwe came out because it got schtuck on da dental foss. Derefore, dis is a sign. Shometing important is going to happen.”

<End of Page 1>

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