If you have an early reader, especially if they are a struggling reader, then there is help at hand, in the form of three letter stories! They are magic for struggling readers and can really turn around and improve a readers abilty in just a short time. If you feel you have plateaued with a readers skills, there is help at hand, in three letter stories. Thanks to Larry baum, we currently have two books on the site like this, and we might have more coming for you, if you are willing to help with a small donation.
Some time ago, Larry Baum emailed FKB an amazing submission. A book with only one and two letter words! Great for beginners and so much less intimidating for learning to read, especially for struggling readers. Thanks to Larry’s generosity for making this book free at FKB, this book is still on our site today, and can be downloaded here: https://freekidsbooks.org/we-go-to-bo/
I was going through my own learning to read phase, well not me, my little ones of course. And it was incredibly inspiring. I realised how true it was that the longer words in the school readers defeated my reader, knocking her confidence and tiring her out, leaving her unwilling to read. This lead me, inspired by Larry’s book, to create Three, Four, and Five Letter Stories, available here: https://freekidsbooks.org/three-four-five-letter-stories/. I found it worked wonders for repetitive learning of sounds, boosting confidence and allowing readers to feel good about reading again.
Larry has now continued his journey on the same path, creating more one, two, and three letter stories, with more books focusing on words of three letters and less. I found myself the three letter words are so perfect for creating sound – letter recognition, and we are so hoping Larry will reach his target for the books to be created.
Read more about Larry’s kickstarter campaign here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/baum/learning-to-read-using-very-short-words-the-bo-books?ref=project_link, he’s currently around 2/3rds towards his goal, and even a small donation will help create more awesome books for the website. You’ll agree We Go To Bo looks much more professional than my own clipart book, so you’ll see why the donations for finishing professional illustrations are so important, so please take a look at Larry’s campaign and donate something towards more books!
We hope to hear from Larry soon with more three letter stories, – the campaign finishes 1st of July, so please check it out. If successful we should see the books in November.
What phrase… super, magnificent idea
Hey Larry – howsit? Your book inspired me….The UN is killing me with kindness and my new boss wants to sign up for Defence, life could be worse…..