Categories: Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Animals, Carmen Saptouw, Children, Conservation, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Intermediate English, Reptiles, Values
Dan and the Frog – The Ponds, home of a kingdom of frogs, was polluted by humans and have become nearly uninhabitable. One of their own promises the group of frogs a better home, filled with food and clean water. They decide to leave their previous home and King behind for a better life or …
This book is all about pink flowers! A simple non fiction book with beautiful photographs and interesting facts about the various of flowers. The book is available in Creative Commons – CC-BY-NC (attribution, non-commercial). The book, with it’s ‘pink’ theme, is dedicated to all those affected by and working with breast cancer, and has information …
Categories: Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Animals, Children, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Kelly Seal
Terrible Tommy Tom Cat is threatening the inhabitants of Gingers wood, how will Benny Badger, Tyler No-Tail Mouse and the rest of the animals scare him away? Find out more in the third tale in the series from Kelly Seal. By: Kelly Seal Sample text from Terrible Tommy Tom Cat I remember when I …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Animals, Carmen Saptouw, Children, fairytale, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Intermediate English
The Rabbit and the Flower – The rabbit finds a pretty flower, and he likes it a lot. His friends the birds help him find many more pretty things around him. Eventually the rabbit realises what is the most beautiful thing in life. This is the third book in Sarbasst’s Tales of the Lord series …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Beginner English, Editor's Picks, Family, Grade K and Pre K, Kanika G, Toddlers
Buttered Toast Is Good! is the second book in the series called The Misadventures Of Little Toast from Kanika G. These are picture books are about the misadventures of a baby girl who thinks her name is ‘toast’. By Kanika G Text and Images from The Misadventures of Little Toast: Buttered Toast This is …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Beginner English, Early Reader, Family, Grade K and Pre K, Kanika G, Toddlers
The Misadventures of Little Toast: What’s My Name – Exciting adventures as baby tries to work out the answers to all the interesting questions in life, for example: What happens if I pull the trash can over? Does popcorn taste just as nice off the floor as in the bowl? And is my name really …
Categories: Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Animals, Children, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Intermediate English, Kelly Seal
Categories: Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Children, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Intermediate English, Kanika G, Values
Tania’s New Bicycle – Tania is big enough now to have a ‘two wheel’ bike! Her mama and papa buy her one, but can she ride it? A delightful tale of fear, courage, trust, and triumph. Will Tania learn to ride? Find out in this story, another great adventure with subtle but important lessons, in …