As a first-time parent, navigating the different kinds of children’s books out there can be confusing. Is your child developmentally ready for a certain type of book? Should they have moved on from picture books by now? Here are some tips on how to choose developmentally appropriate books for your kids. Please note that the …
Categories: Blog
Reading comprehension is essential for young readers. It makes kids motivated about reading, helps them enjoy it, and builds analysis and problem-solving skills. It also helps children communicate better and understand other subjects. Students who have difficulty reading often perform poorly in other subjects. Understanding written text can increase a child’s knowledge, helping them acquire …
Even though the modern world seems currently consumed and obsessed in equal measure with all things electronic and technological, thankfully, real-life paper books are as strong a trend now as ever. Books are often on the Christmas wish list of people of all ages, and as a result, the pleasures and advantages of reading books …
Nutrition plays an important role in your child’s growth and development. Proper nutrition can provide your child with all the nutrients needed for the key developmental processes in the first years of life. You can opt to prepare your child’s food at home or choose commercial options such as Little Spoon baby food. It’s a …
Categories: Blog, Parents Resources
Getting your kids away from video games, phones, and TV screens is a challenge, especially when schools are closed and playdates can’t be scheduled. The best way to get them offline is to give them something unique and new to entertain them and give them as much creative control over the activity as possible. Arts …
Categories: Blog
Are you stressed about making sure that your child has the best opportunities? There are a variety of options available for your child’s educational future. The right one for them will just depend on their goals. You don’t need to be a helicopter parent when your child is figuring out what they want. But there …
Categories: Blog
Math can be quite intimidating for many students. College students are familiar with A-levels math. However, when faced with H2 math problems, they often fail to capture its complex nature. This is because the level of H2 math is higher than the A-levels math students are accustomed to. In fact, a lot of students even …
Categories: Blog
Reading books regularly can be greatly beneficial when it comes to your children developing literacy skills, but books can also open them up to new ideas and improve their understanding of the world around them as well as encouraging imagination and creative thinking. However, it isn’t always easy to get lost in a book, especially …
Categories: Blog
Student years are one of the most fun and happy periods of life but also financially unstable. Students want to travel, dress stylishly, engage in self-development, and attend exhibitions and concerts with discounts and lower costs. We have prepared 10 tips on how to save wisely and make your dreams come true. How to Save …