This post has all of our free school textbooks, workbooks, activity books, and tests for Grade 5, perfect for classroom or homeschool use, enjoy!
English Language and Arts Textbooks Grade 5
Grade 5 English including ELA, EFL, ESL, EAL, and all art related subjects
Grade 5 English Textbooks India *
Grade 5 English Textbook, Marigold, for the Indian national syllabus Class 5, released as OER in CC-BY-NC.
Class 5 Marigold textbook – Zip files
All NCERT Textbooks Read Online – Pathshala
Grade 5 English and Art Textbooks Fiji *
Grade 5 English Textbook, created for the Fijian national syllabus Class 5.
Grade 5 English textbook – download pdf
Grade 5 English textbook read online – Preview in Browser
Grade 5 Art textbook – download pdf
Grade 5 Art textbook read online – Preview in Browser
*Note: ELA resources from countries that are bilingual or where English is not the national language may differ from those where English is a national language.
Mathematics Grade 5
All grade 5 maths workbooks and textbooks
Grade 5 Maths Practice Tests and Exams
These Grade 5 Mathematics Practice Tests and Exams provides a large selection of 5th grade mathematics year-end practice tests and exams from a variety of different states and countries. These practice tests can help students prepare for end of year tests, or they can be used by teachers as extra practice to administer to classes and can be used as extra practice for tutoring or homeschool to determine gaps in knowledge.
FKB Maths Tests and Exams Grade 5 – pdf Download
FKB Maths Tests and Exams Grade 5 – Read Online Flipbook
Grade 5 Maths Textbooks South Africa 
Grade 5 maths textbooks and teaching guides provided for the South African national syllabus for mathematics grade 5, released as OER in CC-BY-NC.
Ukukwonda Grade 5 Maths textbook
Ukukwonda Grade 5 Maths Textbook Teachers Guide
Khan Academy Grade 5 Online Maths
This is a comprehensive selection of online lessons (videos, articles, and quizzes) for Grade 5 Mathematics. Khan Academy provides these 5th Grade OER resources for improving education. If students login there is progress tracking available, perfect for home school or extra tutoring:
Khan Academy Grade 5 Maths Lessons and Quizzes Online
CK-12 Grade 5 Online Textbooks Maths
This is a comprehensive selection of online lessons (explanations, images, worked examples, and interactive quizzes) for Grade 5 Maths. CK-12 provides these 5th Grade OER maths resources for improving education. The flexbooks provide an amazing customizable and interactive resource that can also be used offline.
CK-12 Grade 5 Maths Textbook Online
Science Textbooks Grade 5
(under construction)
All grade 5 science related textbooks.
Grade 5 Science RSA Syllabus 
These Grade 5 Science textbooks are created by Siyavula for contribution to open education, they are licensed CC-BY-ND, or CC-BY-SA in the epub non-branded versions available on the Siyavula website.
Natural Science Grade 5A pdf
Natural Sciences Grade 5A Teachers Guide pdf
Natural Science Grade 5B pdf
Natural Sciences Grade 5B Teachers Guide pdf
Natural Sciences Grade 5A and 5B ePub – CC-BY Unbranded
Natural Sciences Grade Read Online

Grade 5 Science Utah Syllabus
This Grade 5 Science textbook covers the general science syllabus for Utah Grade 5. The content is sourced from CK-12 Foundation, and the book has been created by Utah Education Network open textbooks project for contribution to open education, they are licensed CC-BY-NC.
CK-12 Grade 5 Online Textbooks Science
This is a comprehensive selection of online lessons (explanations, images, worked examples, and interactive quizzes) for Grade 5 Science. CK-12 provides these 5th Grade OER science resources for improving education. The flexbooks provide an amazing customizable and interactive resource that can also be used offline.
CK-12 Grade 5 Science Textbook and Practice Online
Grade 5 Other Subjects
All grade 5 social studies, geography, history, and other subjects textbooks.
Grade 5 US History Michigan Open Textbooks
This Grade 5 United States History textbook was created by Michigan Open Textbooks Project for contribution to open education resources and by sponsorship from the Michigan State Education Department. This US History textbook is suitable for 5th-grade level geography syllabus in Michigan.
Grade 5 United States History
pdf textbook –
ibooks (may not be available in all countries) –
I completely agree with the author’s opinion on Grade 5 textbooks! As a parent, I have seen firsthand how important it is for children to have access to high-quality educational materials. Free kids books are a great resource for families who may not be able to afford expensive textbooks. Thank you for sharing this informative post!
Wow, this is amazing! As a parent of a 5th grader, I’m always looking for free or affordable resources to help my child with their schoolwork. Thank you so much for sharing these free kids books! I can’t wait to get started with my child and explore these educational texts together.
I love that you’re offering free kids books! As a teacher, I know how important it is to have access to quality educational materials, especially for students in lower grades. This will make a big difference in their learning and development. Thanks for sharing!