The Big Grammar book which is brought to us by Banana English is a bumper book of ESL printables and beginner English worksheets. Suitable for grades 1 to 3 and for beginner ESL learners, the book covers common tenses and words along with may other topics and includes answers. This book is also available in …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, Animals, Beginner English, Colouring, Creative Commons, Grade K and Pre K, Health, Storyweaver-Pratham
Even the king of the jungle must keep his teeth clean. Read this sweet story about who will finally teach him this important lesson. This wonderful mystery about the importance in keeping your self clean, in this colouring and hygiene story where children can colour each page themselves. Author: Sanjiv Jaiswal ‘Sanjay’ Illustrator: Ajit Narayan …
The Job Hunt is an early chapter book, designed to be read in installments for a grade 2 class. This fun fictional story involves a seven year old boy and his older sister who is at college and looking for a job for her summer vacation. The book includes an English worksheet activity book, suitable …
This English worksheets activity book contains comprehension exercises based on the text The Job Hunt, all the texts are included in the book, as well as other general English exercises suitable for Grade 2 level or beginner ESL learners. This is a bumper English worksheet exercise book with around 250 pages of worksheets and reading …
Color Me Safe is a safety colouring book from the US Center for Disease Control Injury Prevention division. This fun rhyming colouring story book has really important health and safety advice, perfect for physical education or health classes in elementary school. We can never under-estimate the importance of health and safety information, and many unnecessary …
This is a beautifully illustrated version of the classic fairytale Sleeping Beauty. The classic fairytale also has a teaching guide available for Grade 1 students, and reading comprehension questions available at the end of the book. This illustrated eBook and read online version of Sleeping Beauty is based on the Brothers Grim version of the …
Datiz and the Whale Shark is the story of how a young boy Datiz makes a difference for his friend Splash the whale shark and his species and for the coral reef around their home. A beautiful story of conservation and how our actions can make a difference. When blast fishing appears to threaten the …
The comma, the full stop, the exclamation point and the question mark all live together in a book. Is there enough room for all of them? This is a fun story and helpful for children to remember where the punctuation marks go in a sentence, suitable for early grades learning about using punctuation. The story …
Abuse, especially if it’s sexual in nature is never a topic we want to think of in relation to children, but sadly it does happen, and survivors need all the help and support they can get. We Believe You – a Colouring Book for Survivors and Supporters is a colouring book that helps survivors and …
Categories: Aesop, Age 2-5 Years, Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Animals, Children, Classic Books, Fable, Intermediate English, moral, Public Domain, Story Collections
This is a version of most Aesop’s fables for children available with questions. The awesome thing about this version of Aesop’s Fables is that it has comprehension questions for every fable at the end, and the index is hyperlinked thanks to awesome tools available in Adobe software. Unfortunately, it does not have images and text …