This is a Grade 1 ELA Activity book for learning grammar. The activities include ordering words in a sentence, forming questions, suffixes “ing” and “ed”, plurals, contractions, compound words, a and an, ownership, and alphabet order. This is a great activity book for school or homeschool use, or for extra homework to improve skills at …
This is a collection of PDF files for Mathematics Grade 8 under Creative Commons, the textbooks here includes Modules 1 – 8 such as; Exploring 2-D and 3-D Connections, Squares, Integers, and the Pythagorean Theorem, Data, Graphing, and Linear Equations and Fractions, Ratios, and Probability. All in PDF Format with the purpose of to provide …
Area – Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics is a Grade 10, Literacy Foundations Level 7, maths textbook available as an open education resource for non-profit, CC-BY-NC. The maths textbook, Area, is made up of several lessons. Lessons, Essential Questions, Focus, Get Started, Activities, Explore, Bringing Ideas Together and Lesson Summary. This school/adult education textbook is from Open School BC, a distance learning …