Forests for the People – And old man and a young man take a walk in the forest, the young man learns a lot about how important trees are to our lives, changing his attitude towards nature, he shares this with his girlfriend. A beautiful picture book with many interesting facts about forests, throughout the …
Categories: Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Behaviour, Children, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Intermediate English, Kanika G, Values
Categories: Adventure, Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Children, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Intermediate English, Stuart Baum, Values
The Giant Who Cried Waterfalls – Against her parents’ wishes, Bonnie travels to the top of the mountain to see what is causing the twin waterfalls. Her discovery creates an ethical dilemma and the start of an epic over-sized adventure. A beautiful story with heart-warming values. By: Stuart Baum See more of these books …
Chuskit Goes To School – Chuskit is 9 years old, and yearns to go to school, but because of her disability she cannot. After learning about human rights at the local school, Abdul, initiates an effort to change this. Everyone who wants to learn should have access to an education. A beautifully illustrated and heart …
Ritu’s Letter Gets Longer – Ritu really wants her cousin to come over for the holidays. Her Grandpa writes a postcard to her aunty asking him to come, and she delivers the letter to the post office. Somehow along the way the letter gains a few more words. Licensed under creative common’s CC-BY-3.0 by Pratham …
Takloo the Little Salt Seller – Takloo solves his parents problem with some entrepreneurial spirit. A beautifully illustrated story with a lesson and some insight into Indian culture. This book is published and licensed by Pratham books under the Creative Commons Share Alike Attribution (CC-BY-SA) License. By: Radhika Bapat and Poonam Athalye Text and Images …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Behaviour, Children, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Intermediate English, Kanika G, Toys
Tania is a Detective – Tania’s favourite toy, Anne, goes missing, Tania and her mama follow a sequence of deductive reasoning to track her down. Another story in the Tania series, about a pre-school girl’s adventures with her family and friends. By: Kanika G Sample Text From Tania is a Detective: Tania and mama were …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Behaviour, Children, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Intermediate English, Kanika G
Tania’s Costume Party – Tania has to go to a costume party, but she can’t decide what to wear. Another great book in the series by Kanika G about the experiences of a little girl named Tania. By: Kanika G Excerpt From Tania’s Costume Party: Tania’s Costume Party Tania had just received an invitation. It was for …
Categories: Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Children, Dinosaurs, Diversity and Differences, Grade 1 to Grade 3
Girls Don’t Like Dinosaurs – A short comic book style story about pressure to conform and being yourself. Girls can be girls in what ever way they feel like, regardless of how others think. By: Natasha Alterici Images from Girls Don’t Like Dinosaurs <end of sample> Read more books about Diversity and Differences below. …
Uncovering Earth’s Secrets – A book about oceanic research, featuring the research ship JOIDES Resolution, written in rhyme with beautiful illustrations. This nonfiction eBook was written for us by award-winning children’s author Kevin Kurtz ( and illustrated by award-winning illustrator Alice Feagan ( It is written for children and classrooms in grades 1 to 4. …