the hero of the mountain

Hero of the mountain – Bubu the fox travels to see a contest ‘The Hero of the Mountain’ along the way he learns what it means to be a true hero. By: Ivan Parvov This book is also available in Greek, Arabic, German, Bulgarian and many other languages at the author’s website –   Sample …

Reviews (5)
burly and grum the secret city

Burly and Grum The Secret City – Burlington Bear, Grum the groblin and Max (the human) are best friends. Burly and Grum show Max a Secret City in the the middle of the forest but hunters are tracking them down. They knock out Burly, capture Max, and want to turn the Secret City into a …

Reviews (1)
burly and grum beyond the forest

Burly and Grum: Beyond the Forest – Grum has been thrown out of his home by his two brothers. He has to prove himself as a Groblin before he is allowed back. On his way to figure out how, he meets Burly, a big mellow bear, who takes him under his paw. Hilarious adventures follow. …

Reviews (3)
pirate the barking kookaburra

Pirate the Barking Kookaburra, a baby kookaburra, loses his memory and becomes lost in a thunderstorm. He meets up and befriends a colourful bunch of dogs and a cat who offer to help him out. His sense of fun turns their life upside down, at the same time, they teach him important lessons in survival, …

Reviews (2)