pisu's revenge MG fantasy cover

Pisu’s Revenge is a middle-grade fantasy novel about the adventures of Tefnut, a reluctant heroine and DFOA (dominant Female Over All), also a cat. Tefnut is required to keep order in a place called Ailuria (The Kingdom of the Cats), a difficult task when the cats, obligate carnivores, are not allowed to eat anyone. Pisu’s …

Reviews (10)

Bob And The Cyber-Llama- The story follows the adventures of Bob Halibut, a young man who inherits a tremendous fortune from his grandmother. After meeting her cybernetic llama butler, Jeeves, Bob learns that, in her youth, his grandma was an Indiana Jones-style treasure-hunter. Under Jeeves’ guidance, Bob follows in his grandmother’s footsteps and travels to …

Reviews (6)
beekle henry

Beekle Henry – His adventures along with his friends, A fascinating tales with all sorts of interesting facts found along the way. By: Nick Creech     Sample Page from The Book:   Beekle Henry was lazing away the morning in his hammock. It was a particularly comfortable hammock made from best spider web slung between two …

Reviews (3)