Isobel finds herself in a magical land with mountains of gum drop ice cream, talking animals, singing flowers, and exciting colours. Through the land, she is accompanied by a giant butterfly. Sample Page from Isobel and Phaedro the Butterfly Written by Kiwi Opa Illustrated by Zehnya Bruckert This book is also available in an Editable …
The Girl Who Stayed Awake – A story about fantasy Each night, Lucy-Go-Lucky drifts into a slumber rich in magical landscapes and mystical creatures. But trouble comes when she tries to take the contents of her dreams back to her waking life. She grows frustrated when her dreams melt into thin air and determines never …
This fun elementary fiction book provides a great leisure or learning opportunity for elementary children. Emma encapsulates the essence of pure reading for joy in this book, while still providing a great resource for fiction exercises for elementary children learning to critique or studying creative writing styles and techniques. A collection of four fun stories …
Categories: Age 10-13 years, All FKB Books, Fantasy, Fluent English, Grade 4 to Grade 6, Older Children, Susha Golomb
Every kid wishes for magic, but not Miriam Mermelstein, for her magic sucks. She firmly believes her parents’ fairy stories are just that, and she’s too old to be told stories. She wished for something real, what she thought was missing, but what she got was far more than she expected. Magic Sucks is a humorous …
Categories: Age 10-13 years, All FKB Books, Animals, Fantasy, Fluent English, Grade 4 to Grade 6, Older Children
Once upon a time, in a cozy little cottage at the edge of a bustling town, lived a curious girl named Tilly. Tilly was known throughout the neighborhood for her unruly mop of chestnut hair and a pair of bright, sparkling eyes that held the secrets of a thousand adventures. She was always eager to explore the world around her, but her favorite place of all was her grandmother’s attic.
Maurya’s Magical Monsoon Morning With its mist, fog, whistling winds, and rainbows, the monsoon packs a lot of magic. To jump into the spirit of the monsoon and drink in its magic, join Maurya on this fantastic and crazy adventure. Maurya wakes up one morning to rather strange weather conditions. But it doesn’t just look …
Categories: Adventure, Age years 13+, All FKB Books, Dragons, Fantasy, Fluent English, Grade 7+, History, Nick Creech, School Projects, Young Adult
A Way With Dragons features the adventures of Welsh twins Cash and Cary and a small dragon. Recruited by the small dragon for an important task the twins travel back to the time of Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table. An exciting fantasy adventure featuring Welsh and folk history and a few dragons. Author: Nick Creech Sample Text …
Instead of just reading books together at bedtime, aspiring young authors can now make their own book and share it! Spark imagination with the most popular children’s book genres and learn about story structure and creative writing. In this book, Write your Own Fantasy Book, there are beautiful prompts of fairytale castles, dragons, unicorns, fairies …
Categories: Age 10-13 years, All FKB Books, Bullying, Fantasy, Friendship, Grade 4 to Grade 6
In Red Moon, White Moon, Connell Maxwell realized early on in life that school had a strict hierarchy: the bullies and the bullied. Unfortunately, he was doomed to be a member of the latter group. He always wondered if it was his friends who put him there, but, deep down he had another suspicion, his …
Tale in Orange – Marianna loves orange color -and everything with orange color (oranges, carrots etc)- and with a magic turn of events she finds herself in Portokalia. A strange land where pianos write fairy tales, the houses have no roofs and you may drink as much orange juice as you like. She will make …