Manatees and Dugongs, commonly named Sea Cows due to their vegetarian nature, are beautiful, gentle creatures, inhabiting shallow areas such as mangroves and estuaries in the warm equatorial regions. Learn more about these magnificent creatures in this book, aimed at early to mid elementary (primary) school children. The book is released in creative commons and …
Categories: Activities and Crafts, Age 2-5 Years, Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Beginner English, Behaviour, Bullying, Children, Creative Commons, Danielle Bruckert, Dyslexic Font, Early Reader, Editable Files, Editor's Picks, Emotions, FKB Make a Difference, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Grade K and Pre K, Inspirational, Non-Fiction, Toddlers, Values, Zehnya Bruckert
Always be Nice is a short book for young children promoting kindness and manners and can be used as an early reader. The book is perfect for building confidence in reading with only 28 words most of which are simple words. This book also teaches kids ten important lessons about being kind to others. Each …
In the grip of a terrifying pandemic, thirty writers, aged eight to eighteen share their innermost experiences in journals, poetry, and essays. Writing from Quarantine is produced by Mighty Writers – inspiring youth to think clearly and write with clarity.
This poignant account of children and teen’s child helpline calls can help children put their problems in perspective or recognise that there are ways to get help. Over thirty stories of problems from too much schoolwork or friendship difficulties to suicide and physical and sexual abuse. The book also includes worldwide contacts for Child Helpline …
This early music book teaches you everything you need to know about rhythm and tone to play simple tunes and scales on the piano. There is a section on rhythm which includes beats, key signatures, and rests, and provides exercises to clap to. There is a second section on tone that introduces the 7 whole …
Herewith the Wikijunior big book of Science Experiments featuring the first five featured experiments from Wikijunior. Contents Slime recipes Yucky gooey slime! Isn’t it just great?! We love it! Oobleck – is it a liquid or a solid? Red cabbage indicator Red cabbage indicators are great for showing if something is an acid or base. …
Have fun cooking with your child with these simple yet delicious recipes. Find fun ways to make healthy food more delicious and appealing to kids. Find great snack ideas for lunches and parties or find healthy full meals for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and many fun yet healthy desserts, all packed full of fruit, vegetables, …
Categories: Age 10-13 years, All FKB Books, Fluent English, Grade 4 to Grade 6, Kinara Goyal, Non-Fiction, Older Children, Science
This book explores the world of secret messages, encryption and the battle of wits between coders and codebreakers. Through simple and fun examples that can double as games, the book illustrates the key concepts of cryptography, before summarising modern encryption techniques. The book also delves into the history of cryptography focusing on the often overlooked …