
Zu groß! Zu klein! – Too Big! Too Small! in German, Shanu is neither big enough nor small enough to do things? Confused she wonders is their anything she can do in her size? This is a German Level 1 book brought to us by Pratham’s Storyweaver under creative commons. Author: Lavanya Karthik Illustrator: Lavanya …

Reviews (2)

¡Demasiado grande! ¡Demasiado pequeño! – Growing Up Story Spanish, Shanu confused because her parents often told her off that she is either too small nor too big when she wanted to do something, may it be carrying the baby on her own or wearing her old clothes. Puzzled by this she wondered how can I …


Les éléphants French is a factual book about the éléphants the largest animal in the world. This book is perfect for young readers and for early grades schools who wants to learn about the mighty éléphant in French. Another great free creative commons book for children. by Mustard Seed.   Text and Images from Les …


Home is a poignant look at life for a little girl that ends up as a refugee. The little girl lives in a village with her family but one day armed men are on their way inbound and her and her mother are separated from her family and follow a river of people to a …


Corona Virus Guidebook for Children Another book about the Corona Virus, this time a comprehensive guidebook to healthy practices for children, including trace the words exercises. This book is brought to us by KEEP – The Kids’ Educational Engagement Project, a Liberian initiative to promote reading. With the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic raging across …


When a friend visits Neelu she has some amazing stories to tell about animal rescues and animal prosthetics. The book explains how 3D printing helps in the animal prosthetics industry including some real examples at the end. Author: Riddhi Dastidar, Illustrator: Anupam Arunachalam Sample Text from Neelu and the Phenomenal Printer Miru Mashi is visiting …

Reviews (2)

Le tricycle de Chaku – Chaku’s Cycle French This story is about being resourceful and creativity. Chaku saw Lila’s new bike and he wanted to create a tricycle for himself. He uses materials that he has found and borrows tools from his uncle. Lila helps make the tricycle strong. Le tricycle de Chaku is rated …


Le Paon qui voulait voler is the French version of The Peacock Who Wished to Fly, Tausi is a kind and peaceful kind of bird. He dreamed that one day he wanted to fly as far as the other birds and see wondrous places. But Peacocks are not known to fly far and other birds …


طاووسی که آرزو داشت پرواز کند – The Peacock Who Wished to Fly Farsi this is the tale of The Peacock Who Wished to Fly in Farsi, Tausi dreamed that one day he will be able to fly high and far like the other birds who mocked him for not being able to fly on …


Stick’s Masterpiece is perfect for inspiring children that feel they “can’t do” something. Cute Little Stick learns that while she may not know how to paint a masterpiece, she can do small and simple things. These small and simple things, composed over a lifetime, are what become her masterpiece. The result is more beautiful than …

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