The Dirty Smelly Beast early reader

Unathi and the Dirty, Smelly Beast – A mysterious dirty smelly beast is following Unathi home, or is it really a dirty smelly beast? Find out in this fun creative commons picture book from BookDash. This picture book is perfect for young children who want to start reading and understand common words with help. The …

Reviews (17)
Simple counting and addition

In this book we meet beautifully illustrated creatures and count how many to answer simple addition problems. Author: Sudeshna Shome Ghosh, Illustrator: Sayan Mukherjee. Another great book from Pratham and Storyweaver. – See many more books like this in our Maths Category. Read the full book by selecting one of the buttons below the post. …

what is christmas picture book sightwords

What is Christmas all about? Is it the presents, and the candy, and the snow – do you even have snow? Or is it about sharing, giving, loving, and growth? Is it about toys or is it about family and fun? This short photo book is designed for young children and children learning to read, …

the best christmas gift

The Best Christmas Gift brings us another wonderful adventure from Bubu, the small fox with a big heart. This time, it’s Christmas, and Bubu helps Santa with an important task. A very sweet and beautifully illustrated children’s story, with a nice moral to help children learn about values and rules. Many other Languages available at …

Reviews (2)

Fossils can answer many questions about our past, find out more about these fascinating historical imprints, and a few details about their history in India. Another great creative commons story by Pratham and Storyweaver. Author: Anupama Chandrasekaran Illustrator: Rai Sample Page from Fossils: Tales of Long Ago Read along with the video, read by Kiwi …

Reviews (2)
Children's Christmas Story

How did Christmas start? Perhaps a group of Elfs and fairies got together to share the spirit of giving and make magic happen? Find out in this cute illustrated free children’s book. Another great book from T Ferries.       Read Along with the video, here:  

Reviews (1)

Children of the world united virtually for World Children’s Day and each submitted a quote, the best ones they made into a book…. note: this is a fictional book Enjoy some words of wisdom and think about how important positive values are.         Read along with the video of World Children’s Day …


Some kind hearted children decide to make a difference on Thanksgivng and start a tradition of  “Children Helpint Children”. A perfect book to emphasise the spirit behind Thanksgiving. “With a giving spirit one can achieve great things.”         Read along with the video here: Read by Kiwi Opa    

scary no more halloween children's book

Witches, monsters, and Halloween creatures gather for a night of delight, but instead of being scary, they decide to be jolly and merry. A fun rhyming tale that takes the scare out of scary and makes Halloween fun. For more family fun enjoy some of the recipie suggestions at the end of the book. This …

Reviews (3)

A very cute beautifully illustrated rhyming tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Gabriel Rosenstock has given life to this classic tale, illustrated by Beatrice Dvilnsky. Suggested age range 4 to 8 years. Text from Goldilocks – What Ever Happened to Her? Who goes there? It’s Mommy Bear, Daddy Bear, and Baby Bear. They often …

Reviews (1)