Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Beginner English, Bookbot, Cars, Grade K and Pre K, Read along video, Toddlers, Transport
Race Driver Callum Makes a Car early reader tells us a story of a driver who makes his own car. Bookbot books are designed as early readers to strengthen reading practices. Bookbot is a reading app bot-buddy which means children can have their reading corrected independently, great for busy families and for growing in confidence. Written …
The Race is a short picture book, perfect for pre-schoolers and kindergarteners. The simple language and repetition makes it a nice book for beginner readers. The book is 5 pages and 55 words, less than a minute, or around 5 to 10 minutes for a beginner reader. Author: Kanchan Bannerjee, Illustrators: Kavya Singh, Natasha Mehra …
A train travels through the country side, first she is very happy, but then getting farther and farther from home and seeing strange people and animals she becomes worried and scared. Fortunately someone comes to help. A great story about exploring emotions. Author: Humayan Rashid Illustrator: Mehedi Haque Sample Page from The Happy Train: Another …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Beginner English, Cars, Danielle Bruckert, Grade K and Pre K, Toddlers
Blue cars, yellow cars, fancy cars, classic cars – even a bus! This book really has all sorts of cars, with beautiful colourful photos and drawings to go with it – ideal for car mad toddlers, and the simple repetitive text makes it great for young children just beginning on their journey of learning to read. Compiled …
All Types of Aircraft – An early non-fiction book about all the different types of aircraft, from jets to blimps and everything in between. This book is aimed at early grades, with simple language and lots of pictures. Author: Danielle Bruckert Text and Images from All Types of Aircraft There are many different types of …