Tag «Stuart Baum»
Mavi Fare – The Blue Mouse
My Friend Kimmi Could Really Spell Things

My Friend Kimmi Could Really Spell Things – Kimmi really knew how to spell, but the school wouldn’t let her participate in the spelling bees. In fact they’d stopped having spelling bees all together. Find out why and more about Kimmi’s adventures with spelling in this wonderfully told book by Sturart Baum of StuartStories.com By: Stuart Baum …
The Princess, The Dragon, and The Very Bad Knight

The Princess, The Dragon, and The Very Bad Knight – Usually knights rescue Princesses from dragons, or do they? Find out in this imaginative and highly entertaining medium length story, told in story-teller style making it fun to read aloud. Another great story by Stuart Baum from Stuart’s Stories. By: Stuart Baum Sample Text from …
The Giant Who Cried Waterfalls

The Giant Who Cried Waterfalls – Against her parents’ wishes, Bonnie travels to the top of the mountain to see what is causing the twin waterfalls. Her discovery creates an ethical dilemma and the start of an epic over-sized adventure. A beautiful story with heart-warming values. By: Stuart Baum See more of these books …