
Not all college students are happy with their grades. Not all of you receive only A’s and B’s for academic assignments throughout the period of studies. While this is natural to succeed at one subject and ignore sometimes other disciplines that don’t interest you so much, many students are concerned about the points they will …


Parents play an essential role in a child’s development because they provide the love and support that helps shape them into who they will be. Parents should teach children about their values, morals, and how to be a good person. They also need to set boundaries to know what is expected of them while still …


You’ve probably heard a million times that reading books is beneficial for you. But how exactly does reading a book benefit you in any way? For starters, reading books is an excellent way to pile up on updated knowledge. Reading is also a fun way to keep yourself occupied in your free time. However, apart …


We cannot have too many reminders of how to behave to protect ourselves against the Corona Virus. Herewith is another great children’s book that helps to explain in a storylike way the different ways to prevent infection. Sample Text From The Novel Coronavirus: We Can Stay Safe The Novel coronavirus and COVID-19 “Coronaviruses are a …


There is no student who has never thought “How hard it is to write all those academic papers on excellent grades!” Yes, it may be challenging to meet all writing requirements if you have little experience in writing essays, research papers, and other pieces of writing. Is there any way to succeed in writing academic …

Reviews (1)

Young kids with LGBTQ parents usually see their own family as the norm until they meet other children. But instead of letting them discover by themselves the uniqueness of your family dynamics, you need to take this head-on before it becomes an issue. You must communicate with your kid about the LGBTQ community. Ways to …


Reading is gaining popularity due to the amount of time we need to spend at home. It has been a growing trend for people of all ages, and people seem to find comfort in the act of reading as well as the stories and content that is read. It’s an all-round pleasurable experience that can …


It’s hard to imagine anything as vital for a person’s psyche as stories. Long ago, when people couldn’t read or write, they passed on the wisdom of generations by telling oral tales to their children. When writing emerged, and people could finally capture those tales, books became the carriers of that ages-old wisdom.  Since then, …

कौन सा पैर पहले उठाएं, The Best Foot Forward Hindi

कौन सा पैर पहले उठाएं – The Best Foot Forward Hindi Mr. Centipede got confused when he tries to take a single step to answer which foot does he places first when walking. But when he needs to run fast he can do it no trouble at all. A fun fact for children to show …

घर, घर से दूर शरणार्थी, Hindi Stories Home

घर – घर से दूर शरणार्थी – Home in hindi. Hasina lives a content and happy life with her family. But one day during their visit to a faraway village to see a doctor, armed men were on their way to bring chaos they were instructed to run west. Hasina along with her Amma followed …
