all about chinchillas

All About Chinchillas is an animal facts book for early grades about the adorable small rodents. This book is brought to us by Free Kids Books creators and is CC-BY-SA, free to share, anyhow you like. If you’re looking for more books about animals, see our animals category.  If you’re looking for more early grade …

Reviews (2)
A Day at the Carnival children's story cover

Three brothers, Little Mouse, Littler Mouse, and Tiny Mouse go out for a day to the carnival, they have a really great time, but safety must come first, and it’s important to look out for each other. Luckily they are keeping track! Author: Syamphay Fengsavanh, Illustrator: Nivong Sengsakoun, Translator: Alisha Berger Originally published by Room …

things i like

Things I Like – A short story about a 5 year old boy Makaio and all the things he likes. The book is perfect for learning to read, including a sight reading list at the front and questions at the back. By: Alika Turner Text and Images from Things I Like Hi my name is Makaio …

Reviews (5)

High School Mathematics Extensions is a textbook with exercises and provides around 250 pages of advanced high school maths. The book makes a great addition to high school curriculum, as assistance to understanding maths problems, or as a workbook for homeschool or extending children. The topics are meant to advance and add on to high …

Reviews (1)
seesaw a sad story

Seesaw – A Sad Story – A poignant, symbolic account of a boy coming to terms with sadness. He is bullied into cutting off his ears, only to find there is much bigger things in the world than people’s hurtful comments. For older children (contains some sensitive material). By: Henrique Komatsu     Text and Images …

Reviews (13)
red panda conservation book elementary school

Saving the Red Panda of the Himalayas is a picture book for elementary age children about wildlife conservation. The story follows Deepa and Tim, student conservationists, on a trip in the Eastern Himalayas to observe the Red Panda. They find out lots of facts about the red panda and help the red panda’s habitat from …

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cookie rookie

Cookie Rookie – Those cookies sure tasted good. But it just didn’t cross his mind early enough, that it would have worked out better for him if he had asked first. A short story told from a child’s perspective, aimed at teaching children hows and whys of good behaviour. By: Amy Upshaw and Salem de Bezenac, …

Reviews (1)
smile please

Smile Please – An endearing short tale about a little fawn running too fast. A great story for very young children, and the simple repetitive text is suitable for those learning to read. Another beautiful creative commons book from StoryWeaver and Pratham. By: Sanjiv Jaiswal ‘Sanjay’, Ajit Narayan, Manisha Chaudhry   Text and Images from Smile Please A fawn …

Reviews (4)

The Lost Egg – A wise old owl finds a lost egg, and wonders, whose egg it is. A few animals claim the egg to be theirs but the owl knows better. A beautifully illustrated story, with lots of interesting lessons. By: Judie McEwen – Dick Rink     Text and Images from The Lost …

Reviews (1)
Lost Laugh children's picture book cover

Hyena has lost his laugh a Fun animal adventure. Who will help him find it? This short beautifully illustrated book is lots of fun for young children. The Lost Laugh includes lots of repetition and simple language, making it a great book for early readers, older brothers and sisters learning to read will enjoy reading …

Reviews (35)