tania and the blackout

Over the years we have hosted a wonderful series of books by Kanika G, and Kanika’s writing has grown to be included as one of my favourite FKB authors. After reading close to 30 Tania books, I often find myself looking forward to finding out what Tania will be up to next! Tania Series Kanika …

Reviews (17)
baking letters

I’ve discovered “Alphabet Baking!” – a really great way to teach letters to hungry toddlers! Let them cook and EAT the letters 🙂 Wouldn’t you so look forward to baking if your child gave you this? The first project we made was cookie letters. Not only was it great for learning letters, it also was …

Reviews (5)

As parents we’re always looking for ways to entertain kids right? And an activity is engaging and educational, jackpot! I’ve recently discovered this awesome learning activity which is great for kids and parents, and really easy to do: Photo Storybooks. It’s a great way to learn, spend time together, and great way to store valuable …

Reviews (2)

Susha Golomb, author of Magic Sucks and Out of Place, with a third book on the way, has a secret wish to hide away, and just write! (I can sympathise, me too!) But so many of us out here, myself included, love to hear from the authors behind the great books on our site, so …

Reviews (1)
uncovering earths secret

Uncovering Earth’s Secrets and Where Wild Microbes Grow  written by Award-winning children’s author Kevin Kurtz ( and illustrated by award-winning illustrator Alice Feagan (, provide a fun introduction to the world of marine research. Uncovering Earth’s Secrets explains all the fun activities which are carried out onboard the research vessel, the JOIDES Resolution, as it explores the seafloor to …

Reviews (1)

The great thing about public domain stories for children, asides from the fact that the stories are very popular, is that you can create your own versions of the stories free. Whether you change the words to your own, or just add a few illustrations, the work is free for you to modify as desired. …

Reviews (1)
123 with lilly

Carmen Saptouw has several books for young and up to middle grade children on the FKB website, you can see her books here: Carmen tells us a little about why she writes: As a young child of only 8 years old, I was inspired to write  children’s stories. Following my childhood years, I got so involved …


Nick Creech, one of our popular writers for older children and young adults, has several longer length books on our site. His book A Way with Dragons (formerly Here Be Dragons) is in our top 10 list and has been for some time with over 500,000 downloads.  Here’s what Nick has to say about why …

Reviews (1)
storyweaver pratham

Many of our recent books have come from a site called StoryWeaver, here is a little bit of background about Storyweaver and their mission: ‘There’s no such thing as a child who doesn’t like to read. There are only children who haven’t found the right book’ goes the popular adage. StoryWeaver is a gateway to an endless stream of …

Reviews (9)

I’ve recently been uploading quite a few books from BookDash, a South African Non-Profit organisation that is as passionate about getting books to kids as we are. If you’ve wondered like me how they manage to create all the wonderful books, and make them fly free on the internet, as creative commons contributions, here below …

Reviews (1)