
Classic Stories – Big Book for Early Grades and Kindergarten CKF

classic English stories bedtime storiesThe Classic Stories Big Book from the Core Knowledge Foundation includes condensed versions of ten famous classic stories or fables, each includes beautiful illustrations, perfect for reading to kindergarten or early grade children, and suitable for early reading by early grade developing readers.

This book is designed for the US preschool / pre-kindergarten (Pre-K) syllabus and has teachers guides and activity workbooks available with it, I’ll upload these soon, in the mean time you can find them here:

The activities have lots of fun learning activities including matching images, board games, and recipes, with a few reading comprehension activities, aimed at young children, however some, for example, recipes and games can fit many ages.

This collection of stories has many favourites and can be enjoyable for learning English or for reading as bedtime stories.

Sample Page from Classic Stories

classic stories bedtime stories

Contents from Classic Stories Collection

The Lion and the Mouse 1
The City Mouse and the Country Mouse 9
Goldilocks and the Three Bears 19
The Gingerbread Man 31
The Shoemaker and the Elves 45
The Little Red Hen 57
Thumbelina 67
How Turtle Cracked His Shell 85
Why Flies Buzz 95
The Three Little Pigs 111

Reading Comprehension Questions

The Lion and the Mouse Reading Comprehension

1. Who woke the lion by running across his paw?
3. What did the lion decide to do when the mouse said he would be his friend?
2. How did the lion feel about being awakened?
4. How did the mouse later help the lion?

Why Flies Buzz Reading Comprehension

1. Why did the man and woman go into the jungle?
3. What happened to the bushfowl’s nest?
2. What made the hippopotamus angry?
4. The lion decided that all the problems occurred because of one animal. Which animal?

Three Little Pigs Reading Comprehension
1. Who huffed and puffed and blew down the little pigs’ houses?
3. How did the wolf get into the brick house?
2. Which house was the only house the wolf could not blow down?
4. Where did the wolf end up in this story?


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Comments 8

  • Really interesting! These books used to be my absolute favorites in childhood. I used to love listening to them just before bedtime, with my mother reading them to me. Those stories have always held a special place in my heart. Although I still have a deep affection for them, But finding the time to read them has become difficult due to my busy work schedule, And I truly believe it will free up the time in future I need to revisit the things I love. Hopefully, I can soon enjoy my favorite stories again without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Interesting! These books are amazing and always have a moral. My younger sister loves them. I used to read these storybooks when I was a kid now I am working with online class help and making assignments to fulfill my university expenses.

  • Brilliant! My daughter loves these stories. Many are short versions of stories she knows very well already but the short versions are great for a quick bedtime story which you can finish in about 10 minutes; think, The three little pigs without every “Huff” and “Puff”.

  • i did kind of like this book but some of the pages are blank so i kind of cannot read the whole story but sure i did get an idea of the above stories

  • I loved this book because the stories are interesting and have a moral !


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