Emotional Intelligence is a vital skill for children, often overlooked. Not only is it overlooked, but there is seldom good workbooks available aimed directly at children. This activity book is a treasure trove of wonderful exercises that get kids thinking about their own emotions, create self-esteem, empower good behaviours and habits, and develop consideration for others.
Don’t neglect to teach your kids a solid emotional intelligence, to help them become strong, to weather the storm coming up in teenage years!
Introduction from Emotional Intelligence Activities for Kids
(Note to Parents and Teachers)
Emotional Intelligence is a wide range of skills that children of all ages can develop and improve. These skills are critical for emotional well- being and life success.
This section of the Youth Deployment Activity Guide is designed to give you additional age appropriate resources that are helpful in teaching your child about emotions. The emotional and social skills that are presented were written in order to help you grow your child.
The sections include Intrapersonal Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Adaptability, Stress Management and General Mood. Each section is further divided into sub-skills that address such things as Problem Solving, Happiness, Flexibility and other critical emotional and social competencies.
We encourage you to use these activities throughout the deployment process and beyond.
Sample Exercises from Emotional Intelligence Activities for Kids
My Special Gifts and Talents
Everyone has something they do well. It may be in a sport, or playing a musical instrument, or even a particular subject like math. A person can even be good at making friends. Whatever a person does well can be a gift or talent.
See if you can recognize your own gifts and talents.
Piecing a Quilt
Many emotions make up the person you are. It is important to be able to identify those emotions and know how to deal with them. Your emotions are like a patchwork quilt. Each of your emotions is pieced together to make up the whole you.
Inside the patches on the quilt below, draw a face showing different emotions you have felt.
Make No Bones About It!
Do your friends sometimes do or say things that make you feel uncomfortable? Maybe they say unkind things to other classmates. Or maybe they take the seat you were saving for someone and won’t move when you ask them.
Do you feel like you should speak up about it, but are afraid? Here are some steps to take to help you speak up.
A Skeleton of My Former Self
Independence is when you are able to take care of yourself. You are able to plan and make important decisions for yourself, and you can make those decisions without falling apart or depending on others to bail you out emotionally. You are courteous, honest and respectful of yourself and others. You are willing to take responsibility for your feelings, thoughts and actions. You rely on others for help when necessary, but do not cling to other people.
<End of sample pages from this Emotional Intelligence activity workbook for kids>
This book is produced by a US government organisation, and as such it is in the public domain, you are free to share, reproduce or use in any way you like!
More books about emotional intelligence can be found in our Emotions category

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Good morning
I would like to print this book. Can you please advise what I can do to download and print the book.
Kind regards
Hi you need to download the pdf (click the download pdf button under the post), then you can print it any way you like.
this is very helpful to our children.
Please, Can you say who is the writer of this book?
Hi Eli, the book was produced by a US government department, as linked – the US National Guard Youth Program, the author is not indicated. I agree it’s a very helpful book, and the wonderful thing is it is in public domain so you can use it as you wish 🙂
I enjoyed reading this with my 8-yr.old son.
Today I am just looking for at idea’s for my 7 year old nephew. the book looks teriffic but a bit much for him today. thank you for all your great work in getting these books on line!
I wish you had voice versions of the books both in the video and mp3 format
I really wish so too, we’re working on it, all things with time….Some are on youtube I am linking to the videos when I find them this is the best I can do for now.
Yes, I liked the book.
I’ve loved it!
This is amazing i will be reading this online and sending parents to this website to download this and other books.
Great way for students to work through feelings and emotions – to attend to emotional intelligence
Here, i can found a very help material for our children. your efforts are really good.
I want to avail of your good books
Great stuff, take a look around, and please note the filters – on the right sidebar, and at the top, I hope this helps you find more of the books in your areas of interest and level!
this is very helpful to our children
I agree it’s a wonderful resource, I want to try it out on mine as they are a good age for it, I’m just off for the school run, and had another good idea for parents, you could take some of these ideas and turn them into discussion points in the car to or from school – why not give it a try?